• Do you have to stand while working?
• Do you have swollen feet and legs?
Regular massage helps in many cases. After
a few massage strokes you will realize how
your tired feet become lighter. The effects of
tiredness are vanishing like magic.
It is important that feet are taken care
of every day since in most cases the
swollen parts slowly disappear.
Flat feet can also be avoided if massaged
beforehand. In case of fl at feet, the massage
will decrease pain, especially combined with
active foot gymnastics.
The foot massage with a large-surface mas-
sager is gymnastics and massage at the
same time.
Arm and leg massage
• Accessories: base plate, nylon brush
• Duration: 2 -3 minutes each leg.
The leg massage improves circulation of the
blood and loosens muscular cramps in legs
and thighs. Leg cramps can be treated satis-
factorilly. The calves, the back of your knee
and the lower thighs should be also massa-
ged. Even if you have soft skin, this type of
massage will be pleasant.
Be careful if you have varicose veins,
thrombosis or phlebitis. Ask your doctor
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Do your arms itch?
Do your hands feel numb?
Daily massage can help. Start again with
your right hand. If you have heart allement,
massage your left arm vary carefully. Check
with doctor fi rst.
• Accessories: base plate.
• Duration: 2 -3 minutes each arm.
Infl exion side
Extensor side
Extensor side
Infl exion side