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Maspo Vibramat Instructions D'emploi page 18

Masquer les pouces Voir aussi pour Vibramat:


Detailed massage instructions
It is advisible to spend a few minutes to ac-
quaint yourself with your new large-surface
massager. It's to your own advantage since
the more you know about the vibratory mas-
sage, the more you are going to benefi t by
The excellent results of the large surface
massagers are achieved by their oscillatory
Horizontal vibration plus vertical impulse.
A three-dimensional effect - on the length,
the width, and the depth. Muscles and tis-
sue are loosened, the blood circulation is im-
proved and the metabolism is enhanced.
Contrary to a hand massage, the large-sur-
face apparatus does the work 3 to 4 times
faster. It even offers another advantage
- from the fi rst application, you loose the
fear of the often painful hand massage.
Large-surface massagers rarely cause pain.
No massage in the kidney area, as this
may lead to kidney damages!
The functional and ergonomic design inte-
grates a progressive technologie and offers
a maximum effi ciency as well as a soft run-
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Optimal effects of a complete
• Accessories optional*
• Duration of massage: 10 -12 minutes
Do you wish to improve your general health
Then a body or complete massage is sugge-
sted once a week.
While a hand massage takes 40 to 50 minu-
tes of your free time, large-surface massa-
ger does the work in 10 to 12 minutes.
Do not massage longer!
A lenghty application is useless
since the effects obtained could be neu-
tralized by a longer massage.
You can devide the complete massage on
two weekdays.
Today, for example, massage your feet, legs,
posterior and arms. Three or four days later
the body: chest, neck and both side of the
spinal cord
* Optional accessories means:
Either without an accessory at all (just the
base plate) or with a nylon brush, a smooth
rubber pad, a natural bristle brush or a
noduled rubber pad.



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