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MTD 020 Serie Mode D'emploi page 15


The limitedwarrantyset forth belowis givenby MTD LLCwith respectto new merchandise purchasedand usedin the UnitedStatesand/or its territories
and possessions, a nd by MTDProductsLimitedwith respectto new merchandise purchasedand usedin Canadaand/or its territoriesand possessions
(eitherentity respectively, " MTD").
MTDwarrantsthis product(excludingits normalwearpartsas describedbelow)againstdefects in materialand workmanship for a periodof two (2)
years commencing on the dateof originalpurchaseand will, at its option,repairor replace,free of charge,anypart foundto be defectivein materials
or workmanship. T his limitedwarrantyshallonly applyif this producthas beenoperatedand maintainedin accordancewith the Operator'sManual
furnishedwith the product,and has notbeen subjectto misuse,abuse,commercialuse, neglect,accident,impropermaintenance, a lteration,vandalism,
theft, fire, water,or damagebecauseof other peril or naturaldisaster.Damageresultingfrom theinstallationor useof any part,accessoryor attachment
not approvedby MTDfor usewith the product(s)coveredbythis manualwill voidyourwarrantyas to any resultingdamage.
Normalwearparts are warrantedto be free from defectsin materialand workmanship for a periodof thirty (30) daysfrom the dateof purchase.Normal
wear partsinclude,but are not limitedto itemssuch as: batteries,belts,blades,bladeadapters,grass bags,rider deck wheels,seats,snow throwerskid
shoes,frictionwheels,shaveplates,augerspiralrubberand tires.
HOWTO OBTAINSERVICE:Warrantyserviceis available, W ITH PROOFOF PURCHASE, t hroughyour localauthorizedservicedealer.To locatethe
dealer in yourarea;
In the U.S.A.: CheckyourYellowPages,or contact MTDLLCat RO. Box361131, C leveland,Ohio 44136-0019, o r call 1-800-800-7310 or
1-330-220-4683 or log on to our Website at www.mtdproducts.com.
In Canada: ContactMTDProductsLimited,Kitchener,ON N2G4J1,or call 1-800-668-1238 or log on to our Website at www.mtdcanada.com.
This limitedwarrantydoes not providecoveragein the followingcases:
a. The engineor componentparts thereof.Theseitemsmay carrya separatemanufacturer's warranty.Referto applicablemanufacturer's warrantyfor
termsand conditions.
b. Log splitterpumps,valves,and cylindershavea separateone-yearwarranty.
c. Routinemaintenanceitemssuchas lubricants, f ilters, blade sharpening, t une-ups,brakeadjustments, c lutchadjustments, d eck adjustments, a nd
normaldeterioration of the exteriorfinishdue to useor exposure.
d. Servicecompletedby someoneotherthan an authorizedservicedealer.
e. MTDdoes notextendany warrantyfor productssoldor exportedoutsideof the UnitedStatesand/or Canada,and their respectivepossessionsand
territories,exceptthose soldthroughMTD'sauthorizedchannelsof export distribution.
f. Replacement p artsthat are not genuineMTDparts.
g. Transportation chargesand servicecalls.
h. If Productsare usedcommercially.(MTD mayseparatelyoffer LimitedCommercialWarrantieson certain selectproducts.Ask yourdealer or retailer
for detailsor contactMTDServicefor more information.)
No impliedwarranty, includingany impliedwarrantyof merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose,applies after the applicable period
of expresswritten warranty above as to the parts as identified.No other expresswarranty,whetherwritten or oral, exceptas mentioned
above, givenby any person or entity,includinga dealer or retailer, with respect to any product, shall bind MTD. Duringthe period of the
warranty, the exclusive remedyis repair or replacement of the productas set forth above.
The provisionsas set forth in this warrantyprovidethe sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sale. MTDshall not be liablefor incidental
or consequential loss or damage including,without limitation,expensesincurredfor substituteor replacement lawn care servicesor for
rentalexpensesto temporarily replacea warranted product.
Somejurisdictionsdo notallowthe exclusionor limitationof incidentalor consequential d amages,or limitationson howlong an impliedwarrantylasts,
so the aboveexclusions or limitationsmay not applyto you.
In no eventshall recoveryof any kind be greaterthan theamountof the purchaseprice of the productsold.Alterationof safety features of the
productshall void this warranty. You assumethe risk and liabilityfor loss,damage,or injury to youand your propertyand/orto othersand their
propertyarisingout of the misuseor inability to use theproduct.
This limitedwarrantyshall notextendto anyoneotherthanthe originalpurchaseror to the personfor whom itwas purchased as a gift.
NOW LOCAL LAWSRELATETO THIS WARRANTY:This limitedwarrantygivesyou specificlegal rights,and youmay also haveother rightsthat vary
in differentjurisdictions.
IMPORTANT:OwnermustpresentOriginalProofof Purchaseto obtainwarrantycoverage.
MTD LLC,P.O.BOX361131CLEVELAND,OHiO44136-0019;Phone: 1-600-600-7310,1-330-220-4683
MTD Products Ltd., P.O. BOX 1386,KITCHENER,ON N2G4J1; Phone: 1-800-668-1238

