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Behringer PERFECT PITCH PP1 Guide De Démarrage Rapide page 5


The PERFECT PITCH PP1 is a 10hp Eurorack module,
consuming 70 mA on the +12 V rail and
50 mA on the -12 V rail. Please refer to the
Eurorack installation guide below for correct
installation in your rack.
USB SOCKET – the USB socket can be used
both to output USB MIDI derived from the
audio input, and for firmware updates.
It will also accept MIDI input and convert
to CV/Gate output.
messages derived from the audio input.
HI-Z SWITCH – use this switch in the
ON position when using a high
impedance input, such as a guitar or bass.
LOW CUT SWITCH – use this switch to
cut frequencies below 75 Hz on the
input signal, with a slope of 18 dB.
BEND SWITCH – the bend switch has
three positions, which affect how the
PERFECT PITCH PP1 tracks the input signal:
• Off – the CV and MIDI outputs will always
quantize to the nearest semitone.
• 1 – the CV output will allow a pitch
bend of up to one semitone, and the
MIDI outputs will send MIDI pitchbend
messages as well as note on/off. If the note
is bent through more than one semitone
then a new MIDI note on message based
on the new note will be sent, and a new
gate output on the GATE socket.
• 2 – as with mode 1 but allowing a two
semitone bend.
GAIN – use this knob to adjust the input
gain for optimal tracking, in conjunction
with the level meter (7).
LEVEL METER – use this meter with the
gain control (6) to obtain the optimal level
of the input signal. When using BEND
modes 1 or two the meter acts as a tuner:
When all LEDs are unlit then the input is
in tune. The Red LED at the top of the
meter still lights if the signal is distorted
from too high a gain level.
Quick Start Guide

