What to do if one of the fluorescent lamps breaks
Fluorescent lamps contain mercury.
The quantity of mercury released when a fluo-
rescent lamp breaks is too low to pose a threat to
(Source: Federal Environmental Agency, Ger-
many, 2013)
– Before cleaning air the room for around 15 minutes and
make sure that nobody enters the room during this pe-
– Protect your hands against shards of glass and mercu-
ry, for example by wearing rubber gloves.
– Do not use a broom, dustpan and brush or vacuum
cleaner for the initial cleaning process. A vacuum
cleaner will stir up the mercury, distributing it back into
the air.
"Sweep" the shards of glass together using a piece of
cardboard or similar.
– Gather up smaller shards and powder using a damp
paper towel or adhesive tape.
– Place all remaining parts of the lamp, shards, and pow-
der into an airtight container.
– Only use a vacuum cleaner once this initial cleaning
process is complete. After vacuuming, clean the vacu-
um cleaner nozzle using a damp paper towel. Dispose
of the dust bag and dust filter in a dustbin that is not lo-
cated in a sealed room.
– Dispose of any materials that have been heavily soiled.
Clean any lightly soiled materials, e.g. using adhesive
tape. Then clean these materials in a washing ma-
– Wipe down any shoes that have come into direct con-
tact with glass or mercury powder using a damp paper
– Any paper towels and adhesive tape used during the
cleaning process should be placed in the container
with the broken lamp. Dispose of this waste at a lamp
waste collection point.
– Dispose of all cleaning materials and the rubber gloves
in a dustbin that is not located in a sealed room.
– Once the cleaning process is complete, air the room
again for a short period of time.
– Wash hands thoroughly.
Comprehensive information related to broken
lamps can be found on the German Environmen-
tal Agency's website:
Warning label
The warning label is located on the unit near to the On /
Off switch.
– The warning label must be replaced immediately if it
has been damaged or removed or becomes difficult to
The instructions must be read before using
and opening the unit!
The instructions must be read and the mains
plug removed before opening the unit!
Extreme danger! Dangerous voltage!
The device starts up automatically!
Caution, UV-C lamps!
UV rays may cause damage to the eyes and skin.
UV-C components must not be used outside of the
General information
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Operating instructions - 7/30