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Beninca DA.C15P Livret D'instructions page 7


Dip-switch functions
Every change of functions have to be done without electricity.
This selects the type of functioning of the P.P. button and Remote control.
Off= "OPEN" - "STOP" - "CLOSE" functioning
On= "OPEN" - "CLOSE" - "OPEN" functioning.
This enables or disables the automatic re-closing.
Off= Automatic re-closing enabled
On= Automatic re-closing disabled
This enables or disables the apartment building function (after the first opening command, the P.P.
button and the Remote control are deactivated).
Off= Apartment building function disabled.
On= Apartment building function enabled.
This enables or disables the pre-blinking function
Off= Pre-blinking disabled.
On= Pre-blinking enabled.
This selects the type of intervention of the "FTC" input on opening
Off= No intervention
On= Temporary stop
Select the type of stop controlled by the "P.P." push-button.
Off= The stopping in the opening phase allows the automatic closure (if enabled).
On= The stopping in the opening phase inhibits the automatic closure.
It enables or disables the rounds sensor triggering in the opening phase.
Off= Round sensor triggering enabled.
On= Rounds sensor triggering disabled.
Enables/Disables the reversion of movement controlled by the "ASC" input, after the activation of the
closing limit switch. This function permits to connect a sensitive rubber edge on the edge of the gate
closing leaf avoiding that the sensitive device causes the movement reversion when the door must
be completely closed. The closing limit switch should be positioned so that it is triggered when a few
centimetres are missing to the complete closure of the gate.
Off= Enabled: the "ASC" input always controls the movement reversion for some centimetres.
On = Disabled: After the activation of the closure limit switch, the "ASC" input stops the motor.
It enables or disables the "death man" function. Button 26 (open), button 27 (close)
Off= "death man" function disabled
On= "death man" function enabled
Trimmer functions
This allows the automatic re-closing time to be adjusted when this is enabled by positioning the DSW2
Dip-switch on OFF. Adjustment can be from a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 200 seconds.
The minimum time is obtained by rotating the trimmer completely anticlockwise.
This allows the working time of the automation to be adjusted. If the limit switches fail, the software
protection will intervene after this time has elapsed. (Add about 4 sec. to the actual stroke time of the
Adjustment can be from a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 200 seconds.
The minimum time is obtained by rotating the trimmer completely anticlockwise.

