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This product is marked
– Low voltage no. 2006/95/CE.
– Electromagnetic compatibility no. 89/336 ECC, 92/31 EEC and 93/68 EEC.
This declaration will become void in case of misuse and/or non observance though partial of manufacturer's installation
and/or operating instructions.
Cooling Maximum conditions
Outdoor temperature :
43°C D.B.
Room temperature :
32°C D.B. / 23°C W.B.
Cooling Minimum conditions
Outdoor temperature :
–15°C D.B.
Room temperature :
10°C D.B. / 6°C W.B.
Heating Maximum conditions
Outdoor temperature :
24°C D.B. / 18°C W.B.
Room temperature :
27°C D.B.
Heating Minimum conditions
Outdoor temperature :
–15°C D.B.
Room temperature :
5°C D.B.
F-GAS Regulation (EC) No. 842/2006
Do not vent R410A into atmosphere: R410A is a
fluorinated greenhouse gas, covered by Kyoto Protocol,
with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) = 1975.
All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com
Pagina 1/1
- Split system air conditioner -
as it satisfies Directives:
Model Combinations
Combine indoor and outdoor units only as listed below.
Indoor Units
Power Supply:
220 - 240 V ~ 50 Hz
Tools required for installation (not supplied)
1.Standard screwdriver
2.Phillips head screwdriver
3.Knife or wire stripper
4.Tape measure
6.Sabre saw or key hole saw
8. Core bits ø 5
Outdoor Units
11. Tube cutter
12.Tube flaring tool
13.Torque wrench
14.Adjustable wrench
15.Reamer (for reburring)
16.Hex. key



Sommaire des Matières pour Technibel MRAF99R5I

  • Page 1 Combine indoor and outdoor units only as listed below. Cooling Maximum conditions Outdoor temperature : 43°C D.B. Indoor Units Outdoor Units Room temperature : 32°C D.B. / 23°C W.B. MRAF99R5I-- GRF99R5I-- Cooling Minimum conditions GRF98R5I-- Outdoor temperature : –15°C D.B. Room temperature : 10°C D.B. / 6°C W.B.
  • Page 2 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/2 IMPORTANT! • Ground the unit following local electrical codes. • The Yellow/Green wire cannot be used for any connection Please read before installation different from the ground connection. •...
  • Page 3 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/3 Installation site selection - Indoor unit the room can be uniformily cooled. AVOID • Select a sufficiently strong location to support the weight • Direct sunlight. of the unit. •...
  • Page 4 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/4...
  • Page 5 Condizioni Massime in Raffreddamento Temperatura esterna : 43°C B.S. Unità interne Unità esterne Temperatura internea: 32°C B.S. / 23°C B.U. MRAF99R5I-- GRF99R5I-- Condizioni Minime in Raffreddamento GRF98R5I-- Temperatura esterna : –15°C B.S. Temperatura interna : 10°C B.S. / 6°C B.U.
  • Page 6 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/6 IMPORTANTE! • Eseguire la messa a terra dell’unità secondo le norme elettriche locali. Leggere prima di iniziare l’installazione • Il conduttore giallo/verde non può essere utilizzato per collegamenti diversi dalla messa a terra. Questo sistema di condizionamento deve seguire rigidi •...
  • Page 7 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/7 Scelta del luogo di installazione unità interna • Verificare che il piano di appoggio sia sufficientemente EVITARE resistente da sostenere il peso dell’unità. • L’esposizione diretta al sole. •...
  • Page 8 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/8...
  • Page 9 Conditions maximales en Refroidissement Température extérieure : 43°C B.S. Appareils intérieurs Appareils extérieurs Température intérieure : 32°C B.S. / 23°C B.H. MRAF99R5I-- GRF99R5I-- Conditions minimales en Refroidissement GRF98R5I-- Température extérieure : –15°C B.S. Température intérieure : 10°C B.S. / 6°C B.H.
  • Page 10 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/10 IMPORTANT! • Effectuez la mise à la terre de l'appareil en respectant les réglementations électriques locales. Veuillez lire ce qui suit avant de commencer • Le câble jaune/vert ne peut en aucun cas être utilisé pour Ce système de conditionnement de l'air répond à...
  • Page 11 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/11 Choix de l'emplacement d'installation - Appareil intérieur RECHERCHEZ • Un emplacement approprié à partir duquel l'ensemble EVITEZ de la pièce peut être climatisé de manière uniforme. • L'exposition directe au soleil. •...
  • Page 12 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/12...
  • Page 13 Innenraum- und Außengeräte sollen nur wie in der folgenden Liste miteinander verbunden werden. Kühlbetrieb bei Maximumbedingungen Außentemperatur : 43°C T.K. Innenraumgeräte Außengeräte Raumtemperatur : 32°C T.K. / 23°C F.K. MRAF99R5I-- GRF99R5I-- Kühlbetrieb bei Minimumbedingungen GRF98R5I-- Außentemperatur : –15°C T.K. Raumtemperatur : 10°C T.K. / 6°C F.K. MRAF129R5I--...
  • Page 14 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/14 WICHTIG! Tod verursachen. • Erden Sie das Gerät gemäß den örtlich zutreffenden Bitte vor Arbeitsbeginn lesen Vorschriften. Diese Klimaanlage entspricht strengen Sicherheits- und • Das Gelbe/Grüne Kabel ist für die ausschließliche Betriebsnormen.
  • Page 15 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/15 Wahl des Installationsortes - Innenraumgerät des Zimmers gleichmäßig gekühlt werden kann. VERMEIDEN SIE • Wählen Sie eine Stelle, an der der Boden das Gewicht des Gerätes tragen kann. •...
  • Page 16 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/16...
  • Page 17 Condiciones Máximas en Refrigeración Temperatura exterior : 43°C B.S. Unidad interior Unidad exterior Temperatura interior : 32°C B.S. / 23°C B.H. MRAF99R5I-- GRF99R5I-- Condiciones Mínimas en Refrigeración GRF98R5I-- Temperatura exterior : –15°C B.S. Temperatura interior : 10°C B.S. / 6°C B.H.
  • Page 18 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/18 ¡IMPORTANTE! • Realizar la puesta a tierra de la unidad siguiendo las normas eléctricas locales. Leer antes de empezar la instalación • El conductor amarillo/verde no se puede utilizar para conexiones que no sean la de tierra.
  • Page 19 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 1/19 Dónde instalar la unidad interior todos los rincones. • Controlar que el lugar de apoyo es lo suficientemente EVITAR resistente como para soportar el peso de la unidad. •...
  • Page 20 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 4 INDOOR UNIT • UNITÀ INTERNA • UNITE INTERIEURE • INNENEINHEIT • UNIDAD INTERIOR Minimum operation and maintenance area. Area minima di esercizio e manutenzione. Surface minimum de fonctionnement et d’entretien. Raumbedarf des Gerätes .
  • Page 21 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 5 Tubing connections from the rear. Use the rear panel as a template. Check the horizontal position with the level. Mark the holes to be made. Collegamento tubi posteriore. Utilizzare il pannello posteriore come dima, mettere a livello, evidenziare i fori da eseguire.
  • Page 22 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 6 Use the screws to fix the rear panel to the wall. Make sure the panel is flush against the wall. Any space between the wall and unit will cause noise and vibration. Usando le viti, fissare il pannello posteriore al muro.
  • Page 23 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 7 To fix the front panel again, insert it in the lower side of the unit and align it with the blocking points. Then push lightly on the shown marks. Per rimontare il pannello frontale inserirlo nella parte bassa dell’unità, allinearlo sui punti di bloccaggio, applicare una leggera pressione sui punti indicati.
  • Page 24 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 8 Running power wires plus ground wire from indoor to outdoor unit (see tab. for size of wires). Stendere un cavo multipolare con filo di terra tra le due unità (vedere tabella per la sezione dei fili).
  • Page 25 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 9 LEFT REAR TUBING Insert the tubes connecting the units from the outside, then bend them right and remove the inferior removable part of the frame. Hang up the unit and extend the support on the back of indoor unit to make the connection easier.
  • Page 26 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 10 Die Leitungen für die Klemmbrett-Verbindung vorbereiten und sie verbinden. (Sieh elektrische Angaben). WARNUNG Stellen Sie sich sicher, daß alle Kabelverbindungen fest sind. Lose Kabel können zur Überhitzung des Anschlüsses oder Fehlfunktion des Gerätes führen.
  • Page 27 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 11 Fill the tube and verify that the condensate can flow correctly. Reassemble the grille according to “L”. Riempire la tubazione quindi verificare il corretto scarico della condensa e rimontare la griglia come al punto L. Remplir le bac et vérifier que la sortie des condensat soit correcte.
  • Page 28 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 12 OUTDOOR UNIT • UNITÀ ESTERNA • UNITE EXTERIEUR • AUßENEINHEIT • UNIDAD EXTERIOR Minimum operation and maintenance area Area minima di esercizio e manutenzione. Surface minimum de fonctionnement d’entretien. Raumbedarf des Gerätes.
  • Page 29 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 13 Use insulated copper tube. Cut approximate 30-50 cm longer than actual distance between units. min. 8 mm min. 8 mm Utilizzare del tubo in rame isolato. Tagliare con lunghezza maggiorata di 30-50 cm oltre la distanza tra le unità.
  • Page 30 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 14 Lubricate Para obtener un buen abocardado hay que cumplir con las siguientes características: - superficie interior lisa y pulida - borde exterior uniforme y liso - tavellanadura cónica de longitud uniforme. Lubricar con aceite anticongelante las superficies de contacto, luego atornillar a mano.
  • Page 31 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 15 Remove caps from service valves of both tubes. Then start vacuum pump and let it run for the time indicated in the table (vacuum 10 mm Hg abs.). Rimuovere i cappucci delle valvole di entrambi i tubi.
  • Page 32 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 16 Turn the service valves stem in counterclockwise to fully open the valves. At this point vacuum pump flexible hose can be disconnected. Replace bonnet and flare nut, tighten them to 200 kg/cm with a torque wrench. Aprire completamente le valvole di servizio (senso antiorario).
  • Page 33 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 17 The service port on the wide tube service valve uses a Schrader core valve to access the refrigerant system. Therefore, be sure to use a hose connector which has a push-pin inside. La valvola di servizio del rubinetto dell'unità...
  • Page 35 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 19 Power supply wire A / Connecting wire C (with ground conductor): Multipolar electric wire; size and length of the suggested electric wire are showed on table “electrical data”. The wires have not to be lighter than Mod.
  • Page 36 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 20 REMOTE CONTROL UNIT INSTALLATION • POSIZIONE DI INSTALLAZIONE TELECOMANDO • EMPLACEMENT DE LA COMMANDE A DISTANCE • POSITION DER FERNBEDIENUNG • POSICION DE INSTALACION DEL MANDO A DISTANCIA REMOTE CONTROL UNIT INSTALLATION To ensure that the air conditioner operates correctly, DO NOT install the remote control unit in the following places: •...
  • Page 37 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 21 WALL-MOUNTED POSITION • Momentarily place the remote control unit in the desired mounting position. • Verify that the remote control unit can operate from this position. • Fix the support at the wall with two screws and hang the remote control unit. POSIZIONE A PARETE •...
  • Page 38 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 22 PUMP DOWN Pump down means collecting all refrigerant gas in the Das bedeutet: das Kühlmittel in die Außeneinheit ohne Gas-Verlust zurückzugewinnen. Man benutzt es, wenn system back into the outdoor unit without losing gas. das Klimagerät in eine neue Position gestellt werden Pump down is used when the unit is to be moved of muß...
  • Page 39 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 23 Remove the valve manifold. At that time, PUMP DOWN has been completed and all refrigerant gas will have been collected in the outdoor unit. Rimuovere il gruppo manometrico. A questo punto l'operazione di PUMP DOWN è...
  • Page 40 All manuals and user guides at all-guidesbox.com 3742550380-I-TEC-MRAF-IMQ 8-05-2009 12:56 Pagina 24 In order to carry on a constant improvement, our products can be modified without prior notice. Per garantire un costante miglioramento dei nostri prodotti, ci riserviamo di modificarli senza preavviso. Par souci d’amélioration constante, nos produits peuvent être modifiés sans préavis.

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