Maintenance Chart
Check safety valve
Inspect air filter
Drain air tank
Check pump oil level
Change pump oil
Oil leak inspection
Inspect drive belt
Check drive belt tension
Check pulley/flywheel alignment
Check for unusual noise/vibration
Check for air leaks
Clean compressor exterior
Remove tank from service
* To check for air leaks apply a solution of soapy water around joints.
While compressor is pumping to pressure and after pressure cuts out,
look for air bubbles to form.
** The pump oil must be changed after the first 20 hours or operation.
Thereafter, when using
oil, change oil every 200 hours of operation or once a year, whichever
comes first.
+ Perform more frequent in dusty or humid conditions.
For more information, call 1-888-895-4549 .
Risk of unsafe operation. Unit cycles automati-
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etic blend non-detergent air compressor
cally when power is on. When performing maintenance, you may
be exposed to voltage sources, compressed air, or moving parts.
Personal injuries can occur. Before performing any maintenance or
repair, disconnect power source from the compressor and bleed off
all air pressure.
To ensure efficient operation and longer life of the air compressor
outfit, a routine maintenance schedule should be prepared and fol-
lowed. The following routine maintenance schedule is geared to an
outfit in a normal working environment operating on a daily basis.
If necessary, the schedule should be modified to suit the condi-
tions under which your compressor is used. The modifications will
depend upon the hours of operation and the working environment.
Compressor outfits in an extremely dirty and/or hostile environment
will require a greater frequency of all maintenance checks.
NOTE: See Operation section for the location of controls.
Checking Safety Valve (Fig. 1)
WARNING: Hot surfaces. Risk of burn. Tubes, pump head, and
surrounding parts are very hot, do not touch (see the Hot Surfaces
identified in Fig. 2). Allow compressor to cool prior to servicing.
WARNING: Risk of bursting. If the safety valve does not work
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properly, over-pressurization may occur, causing air tank rupture or
an explosion.
WARNING: Risk from flying objects. Always wear certified safety
equipment: ANSI Z87 .1 eye protection (CAN/CSA Z94.3) with side
Before starting compressor, pull the ring on the safety valve to
make sure that the safety valve operates freely. If the valve is stuck
or does not operate smoothly, it must be replaced with the same
type of valve.