Logset / Crystal / Pebble Ember Installation
(NOTE:Please make the installation according to the embers which you bought or selected.)
Glass front must be removed and the appliance must be mounted in its final location
before the logset / crystal / pebble embers are installed.
If your fireplace come with logset, You do not need to do anything just use as it is . Figure 1.
If your fireplace come with CLEAN CRYSTAL or PEBBLE MEDIA: Crystal or pebbles media
may have a fine oil residue that needs to be cleaned prior to installation. Clean the them with
mild dish soap, drain, rinse thoroughly and dry before placing into the tray.
Place the plastic tray ( I ) to the fireplace designed place.Then carefully place crystal or pebbles
embers into the bottom tray on the front of the appliance as illustrated. Apply an even layer
from side to side. Figure 2, Figure 3.
65/72/100 Wall Bracket Illustarted