Turn the power on or off.
Zero Key (ZERO):
Zeros display for next weight.
'ENTER' key to set parameters and
other functions.
Tare Key (TARE):
Deducts the container weight from
pieces weight.
Change number key ' ^ ' to set
parameters and other functions.
Pretare Key (PT):
Allows user to manually key in TARE
Spaces right '>' to change different
numbers on the display. Also
used to set parameters or other
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primary function
secondary function
Accumulate Key (M+):
Adds the value to the
accumulation memory. Zero
display and press this key to show
current total value.
Spaces left ' < ' to change different
numbers on the display. Also
used to set parameters or other
Gross weight/Net weight (G/N):
Toggle between Gross weight and
net weight. Display shift is only
available after using tare/pretare
Acts as a clear key (C) to reset
parameters or other functions.
Unit Key (U):
Selects weighing units:
pounds or kilograms.
Acts as an escape key (ESC)
to return the scale to normal
operating mode.
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