eep laundry items made of ngora ool in t e free er for a fe
before as ing T is ill reduce pilling
aundry t at are sub ected to materials suc as flour lime dust mil po der
etc intensely must be s a en off before placing into t e mac ine
and po ders on t e laundry may build up on t e inner parts of t e mac ine in
time and can cause damage
Sorting the laundry
ort laundry according to type of fabric colour and degree of soiling and
allo able ater temperature
l ays obey t e instructions given on t e garment tags
efore putting your clot es or ot er articles in t e as ing mac ine please
carefully read t e corresponding care label to no under
ma imum temperature it can be as ed
efore putting your clot es or ot er articles in t e as ing mac ine please
carefully read t e corresponding care label to no under
ma imum temperature it can be as ed
oading the laundry
pen t e loading door
Place laundry items loosely into t e mac ine
Pus t e loading door to close until you ear a loc ing sound
nsure t at no items are caug t in t e door
T e port ole glass ill be ot
let c ildren or pet touc it
To avoid t e ris of flooding or in ury from ot ater never open t e loading
door or remove t e filter
Do not slam t e door f t e door can ardly close ma e sure t e drum is not
too full
T e loading door is loc ed
running T e door can only be opened a
programme comes to an end
n case of misplacing t e laundry noise and vibration
problems may occur in t e mac ine
en as ing at very ig temperatures Do not
ile t ere is ater in t e drum
ile a programme is
uc dusts
at conditions and
at conditions and
ile after t e