Compact Commercial Softener Owner's Manual
Tank Components
Upper Distributor
A plastic molded distributor is attached to the top of the control valve. The distributor prevents
channeling of the inlet stream into the top of the resin bed in downflow systems. The distributor
also prevents resin from backwashing or flowing out of the tanks.
Riser Tube
A riser tube is used to connect the lower distributor to the control valve. The riser tube is 1.0" in diameter.
The lower distributors for all CC units are an integrate distributor with the tank. The flat plate, stainless steel distributor
provides for maximum flow distribution and strength.
High capacity, non-solvent cation resin is used in the compact commercial softeners. The resin has a capacity of 30,000
when regenerated at a brine setting of 15 lb/ft
Tank Interconnection
Each twin tank system uses a set of inter-connectors to provide a water path from the main control valve to the remote
tank. This interconnecting plumbing is included with the system package. It uses a double O-ring seal to provide a leak-
free connection. A connector link and pins hold the tanks together under pressure.
System By-pass
For each system, a by-pass is recommended. This can be installed using three ball valves. This
allows the system to be isolated during any service operation. By-pass valving is not included
as a part of the system package.
Resin Tanks
Each system uses two resin tanks. The main tank includes the Kinetico control valve. The
secondary tank is referred to as the remote tank.