6. Rotate the drain pump and remove from the ice ma-
chine, (See Figure 42). It may be necessary to discon-
nect the ground wire connection in the back flange of
the cabinet. (See Figure 38).
7. Disconnect the ice machine power cord from the drain
pump (See Figure 43).
8. Drain the water in the drain pump's reservoir by turn-
ing the pump upside down and allowing water to drain
through the pump's inlet and vent tube fittings.
9. Installation of drain pump is reverse of this procedure.
Figure 42
Rotate drain pump and
remove from back of
ice machine.
Figure 43
Ice machine
power cord
Additional issues to be inspected by the
installer upon service replacement:
1. The drain pump must be level.
2. No pinched water lines.
3. No interference with electrical cords or wiring.
4. The drain pump should not set on any obstacles, wir-
ing, etc.
5. Secure all hose clamps leading to and from the drain
6. Insure that the vent tube height is adequate - 18 inches
7. Insure that drain height is adequate - maximum of 8
8. Insure that drain length is adequate - maximum of 20
9. Checked for water leaks after installation of the drain
10. Check for vibrations caused by improper installation.
11. Insure that there is no interference with back access
12. Insure that the hole grommets are in place at each
location so that any vent or drain tubes do not rub on
any sharp surfaces.