Step 1: Verify door alignment
Verify that the door is aligned correctly with the cabinet
prior to fabricating the custom panel. Failure to do so
may result in mis-alignment of the custom panel with the
hinge bracket. The door should be parallel to the sides
and top of the ice machine. If alignment is necessary
the door may be adjusted by loosening the 2 screws
which secure the top and/or bottom hinge adapter
brackets, located on the top and bottom of the door and
adjusting the door side to side. Use a
for this procedure. (See Figure 27 below). When fin-
ished aligning the door, tighten the screws securely.
Hinge adapter bracket
located on the top and bot-
tom of the door.
Figure 27
Step 2: Remove door
Remove the top hinge pin from the hinge with an 1/8" allen
wrench. Remove the door by angling the top of the door
outward and lifting the door off the bottom hinge.
(See detail in Figure 27).
Step 3: Remove gasket
Lay the door on its front being careful not to scratch it. To
gain access to the screw mounting holes remove the door
gasket by peeling up and out of the channel.
" allen wrench,
Remove top
hinge pin to re-
move the door.
Door should be
parallel to top
and sides of
ice machine.
For the door to work properly it is necessary to maintain
a minimum space of
cabinet flange as shown . This space can be adjusted by
adjusting the top and bottom hinge adapters.
" (7mm) between the door and