General Description:
The MD0283E is a new model of preprogrammed universal remote control which has
a extensive code library, powerful function and stable quality. It features as:
A. Totally 2 device keys: TV, TDT
B. 4 Operation Modes:
Set-up Mode, Manual Search Mode, Auto Search and Display Mode.
C. Back-up memory to keep the set up data no- volatilization.
D. LED flash to indicate when transmission.
E. Set-up indicating LED
F. Volume and Mute Lock function
G. Device Lock function
H. Menu function
Code Set Up
A. Set Up by brand code:
According to the attached Device Brand Code List, find out the code of the device
brand and device code that you want to control. For example, you can find codes for
SONY TV: 010, 011, 028, and 030... Then follow the steps as below:
a. Press and hold the [SET] key. Then press the device key that you want to
control, such as [TV], [TDT] etc.
b. The LED will be on at moment. Then release the pressed both keys.
c. Enter in the 3-digit Device Code (for example: code 010 under SONY TV).
d. If the entered Device Code is correct, the LED will be off automatically, then
gone to step e. If it is incorrect, the LED will blink twice and keep being at set up
mode, then return to step c.
e. Try if keys on remote control work or not.
If none key works or some key work but most keys work improperly, please try
other codes in the same brand (for example: code 028,030 ...under SONY TV),
repeat step a-e till you find one code which work good enough.
Remark: In the process of setup, if you want to quit from setup mode, please press device key.
(If no key pressed in 10 seconds, the remote control will leave the set up mode automatically.)
B. Set Up by Manual Search:
After you have set up by device brand code several times, the remote control still
doesn't work (i.e. The device still can not be controlled by this remote control), or you
can not find the correct code in the Device Brand Code List, you can use "Manual
Search" to find out the reactive Code:
a. Power on the device that you want to control. If it is a VCR, it must be inserted
with a tape.
b. Press and hold the [SET] keys. Then press the device key in remote control,
such as [TV], [TDT], etc
c. The LED will be on at moment. Then release the pressed keys.
d. Point the remote control to the device, strike the [POWER] key. the remote
control enters into" Manual Search" mode and the LED keeps flashing.
e. See if device reacts or not. If it works, turn to step f; If not, repeat step d every
1 second.
f. Test other keys. If keys work well enough, press the device key to quit from
the search mode. If most keys don't work well enough, repeat step d-f to find