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Danby Designer DFF8802W Manuel D'utilisation page 3

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Turn the thermostat c ontrol to "OFF" (Fig B). Removeell
food,storing in coolersor wrapping in newspaperto keep
cold+Toclean the inside,use a softcloth ande solution
of a tablespoon of baking sodato onequart of water,or a
mild soap suds solution, or somemild detergenLWashice
cubetray,drip tray, andglide outshelvesin a mild, lukewarm
detergentsolution,then dry and wipewitha soft cloth+ Clean
the outs{dewith a sog,damp cloth andsome mild detergent
or appliancecleaner.
Fig. B
Vacation Time
For short vacationperiods,leavethe control knobs
at theirusual settings+During longer a bsences;
(a) removeafi foods,
(b) disconnectfrom electrical o utlet,
(c) dean the refrigeratorthoroughly, inc{uding d efrostpan,
(d) leavedoor open le avoid possibleformationsof
condensate,mold or odors
Power Failure
Most power failures are corrected within an hourortwo
and willnet affeGt y ourrefrigeratortemperatures. However,
you shouldminimizethe numberof door openings whl{e
the power is off. Duringpowerfailures of longerduration,
takesteps to protectyourfoodby placing dry ice onlop
of packages
If You Move
Removeor securely fastendown all loose items(is shelves)
inside the refdgeratoflfreezer.Toavoiddamagingthe leveling
screws, turn them all the way intothe base.
Some Important Rules for the
Correct Usa of the Refrigerator
• Neverplace hot foods in the refdgeralor+
, Beveragesshouldbe storedin sealed containers+
, Foodsto be storedfora long time shouldbe
wrapped in cellophaneor polyethylene, or kept
in glasscontainers Neverplacespoiledfoodstn the
• Don't overloadthe cabinet
• Don't openthedoor unless necessary
• Should therefrigeratorbe storedwithoutusefor long
periodsit ls suggested,aftera carefulcleaning, t o
leave the door ajar toai+ow the air to circulatelnsfdathe
cabinetinorder lo avoidpossibleformationsof condensate,
mold or odors.
Food Storage Suggestions
Fresh Food Compartment
• Nevercover food compartment shelves withaluminum
foil or any othersheI{ severing matedalwhichmay prevent
air circulallon.
, Alwaysremoveporousstore wrappingpaperfrom meats,
poullryandfish. Meats should be wrappedindividually
and placedin e dish for storage. Wrap fish and poultry
in foil or heavywaxedpaper. Most fish shouldbe used
the sameday of purchase Packagedmeats suchas
ham, bacon,dried beef,or frankfuder,storebest in their
original p ackages.
• Afiowwarmfoods to cool t o roomtemperature before
plactng themin the refrigerator.
, Akvayscoveropendishes of food, especiallyleg,overs.
Useleftoverswiihtn2 or 3 days_
Vegetable Crispers
The trays at the bottom of therefrigerator are covered
to retainmoisture The crisper compartments w iif enable
you to stem vegetablesandfruits whichwouldotherwisedry
out rapidly,
Dairy Compartment
Theclosedcompartmenton the Innerdoor are designedto
storebutter andcheeseel the proper temperatures s o that
theycan be serveddirectty from the refrigeratorto the table.



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