3. Connector Plate
Single BNC coaxial, in/output switchable,
no internal termination, LED indicates WC output
(Master mode)
• •
4x Toslink inputs and 4x Toslink outputs,
8 channels per connector
4. Connection Scenarios
external hard disc recorder
(providing Word Clock via BNC coaxial connection)
Midas M32 with DN32-ADAT
2x XL48 -> Midas M32
Coaxial Word Clock
Midas M32
• •
2x small handles for removing the expansion card
from the slot
• •
2x M3x6 screws left and right for fastening the card in the slot
• •
2x small counter sunk screws below the handles and
8 screws above the connectors. Do not loosen these!
Hard disc recorder Recorder
Midas XL48
Midas XL48
external automixer
return to DN32-ADAT
• •
Out 1-8 and 9-16 to Auto-mixing Processor inputs
• •
In 1-8 and 9-16 from Auto-mixing Processor outputs
• •
Routing/home > Input 1-16 = Card In 1-16,
Routing/card out > Output 1-16 = Local 1-16
Midas M32
5. Mixer Setup
Word clock I/O selector:
either word clock slave (input), allowing the console to sync
• •
to external WC devices or
• •
word clock master (output), providing system word clock to
other devices
DN32-ADAT card can be selected as the clock source on the
M32 Setup/config page. In this case, the mixer will be slaved to
the ADAT clock received on BNC input or fiber optic Toslink inputs.
Note that this may require the console to be rebooted if the
internal and external clock rates are different (i.e. 44.1/48 kHz).
Quick Start Guide
Note, this would also apply for any other sort of specialized
outboard processing that features ADAT I/O. It can be used for
all 32 x 32 channels simultaneously, even spread over several
external processors.
Auto mixer
Word clock selection box for choosing the external clock
synchronisation source:
• •
fiber optic inputs 1-4 or
• •
coaxial BNC WC input
• •
local clock indicates the console's internal clock.