I can access the PC with my Media, but when I change to the Use Account, I cannot see the folder ,
although it is shared when I check my PC:
The Alternative account on the machine may be Private. If when the account was created, the 'Make this
account Private' option was selected, then the contents of this account cannot be seen over the network.
You will need to move the music to an accessible account.
I can't share a folder , as the option is not highlighted:
The share folder option will not be available until you have turned simple fi le sharing on. Run the wizard.
Scan Error:
When the internet radio is scanning the content of the folders on a PC, it is possible that a scan error may
occur if the windows fi le sharing application times out. This is most likely to occur if both the PC with the
media content and the Internet Radio are connected wirelessly.
Try re-connecting the PC with the media content into the network via cable. This will dramatically increase
the speed at which the Internet Radio is able to scan the content of the Media PC.
Some media ripping applications allow 'Playlists' to be created. The Internet Radio is able to detect and
stream these playlists, but they must be stored in the folder with the rest of the Media content and they
must have the fi le extension.m3u.
Windows Media player can create suitable playlist, just select 'create new playlist', drag and drop the
tracks you want into the playlist, then use 'Save as' to ensure the fi le type is .m3u. (Existing play lists can
be opened and re-saved in this format) When the Internet Radio detects you have playlists, it will enable a
new menu option allowing the playlist to be selected and added to the queue.
If you re-connect to another PC of folder, which does not have any Playlists in the .m3u. format, the playlist
option will not be presented in the menu.
If the Internet Radio keeps re-buffering radio station:
The Internet Radio is streaming the data from the radio station via your broadband connection, if there
is a high error rate on your broadband connection, or the connection is intermittent, then it will cause the
Internet Radio to pause until the connection is re-established and it has received enough data to start
playing again.
If your Internet Radio keeps stopping, please check the DSL modem to ensure that the Broadband line is
not suffering a high error rate or disconnections. If you are experiencing these problems, you will need to
contact your broadband supplier.
What is Buffering?
When playing a stream, the Internet Radio/Media player, downloads a small amount of the stream before
it starts playing. This is used to fi ll in any gaps in the stream that may occur if the internet or the wireless
network is busy.
The Internet Radio streams music data from the PC while you are listening. If a stream gets blocked or
experiences Internet congestion while transferring it may stop/interfere with the quality of play. If this hap-
pens, check your internet connection speed- it must be faster than the speed of the streams.
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