storage fills up. We recommend you turn on the loop
recording function to prevent the memory card space runs
full and stop recording.
WDR: Wide Dynamic Range: turn on to optimize video
quality with wider light range and image details.
Exposure(Front): Exposure is used to manually control
the light sensitivity settings.The default is 0.
Motion Detection: Motion Detection is used to pause
recording when no motion is detected in front of the
camera,and to start recording when motion is detected
again. Usually this function is used in conjunction with the
parking monitoring mode. Default is off.
Audio Recording: Turn sound recording on or off.
Date Stamp: Enable / Disable the date and time marks in
video files.
G sensor: G-sensor will detect significant or sudden shock
and movement then the camera will automatically lock
current recording file.The detection sensitivity can be
adjusted to OFF / Low / Middle / High.
If set to "High", the camera will automatically lock the video
even if the car goes over a speed bump. This will cause a lot
of useless video to be locked. Recommended setting is
"Middle ".
Parking mode:It's used to protect your car after parking.
With this function on,after you stop the car and the camera
turns off,it stays standby. When camera detects shock and
collision,it will automatically turn on and take a short
video,then shut down automatically.
(Must use the hard wire kit when using this function. )
6.2 Setup Menu
WiFi:This setting is used to turn on the camera's WiFi, and