Steam gun
You can use the steam gun without any ad-
ditional accessories, e.g.:
to remove odours and wrinkles from
hanging clothes by steaming them at a
distance of 10 to 20 cm.
to remove dust from plants. Here, keep
a distance of 20-40 cm.
for moist dusting, by briefly steaming
the cloth and wiping the furniture with it.
Detail nozzle
The closer this nozzle is to the contaminat-
ed area, the higher the cleaning effect, as
the temperature and the steam are highest
at the nozzle output. Especially suited for
cleaning difficult access locations, joints,
fittings, drains, sinks, toilets, blinds and
heaters. Heavy limescale can be drenched
in vinegar prior to steam-cleaning. Let the
vinegar penetrate for about 5 minutes.
Round brush
The round brush can be installed onto the
detail nozzle as an accessory. Attached
brushes can therefore be used to remove
heavy soiling.
Not suited for the cleaning of sensitive sur-
Attach the round brush to the detail nozzle.
Steam turbo brush
The steam turbo brush is set swinging by
the emitted steam and is suited ideally for
the easy cleaning of extreme dirt at places
in the kitchen and the bathroom that are dif-
ficult to access.
Using the turbo steam brush for longer pe-
riods can lead to circulation problems in the
hand caused by hands (finger cramps, cold
fingers). Please take a break if that hap-
It is not possible to specify a generally valid
operation time, since this depends on sev-
eral factors:
Proneness to blood circulation deficien-
cies (cold, numb fingers).
A firm grip impedes blood circulation.
Continuous operation is worse than an
operation interrupted by pauses.
In case of regular, long-term operation of
the turbo steam brush and in case of re-
peated occurrence of the symptoms (e.g.
cold, numb fingers) please consult a physi-
Pull the terry cloth cover over the hand noz-
zle. Especially well-suited for small washa-
ble areas, shower stalls and mirrors.
Microfibre abrasive cover
Pull up the microfibre abrasive cover over
the hand nozzle.
Especially well-suited for removing calcium
and soap residues in the bath-room (for e.g
shower cabins, tiled walls).
Can be washed at 60 °C; please do not use
any fabric softener. Not suitable for drier.
Suited for all washable walls and floor cov-
erings, e.g. stone floors, tiles and PVC
floors. Work slowly on very dirty surfaces to
allow the steam to act on the dirt for a long-
er period of time.
Note: Detergent residue or care emulsions
that are still present on the surfaces to be
cleaned, can lead to smears when steam
cleaned. However, these will disappear
with repeated cleaning procedures.
Attach the floor cloth to the floor nozzle.
1 Fold the floor cloth the long way and
place the floor nozzle on top of it.
2 Open holding clamps.
3 Place the cloth ends into the openings.
4 Close the holding clamps.
Do not insert fingers between the clamps.
Parking the floor nozzle
During work breaks, hook the floor noz-
zle into the parking holder.
– 10
Hand nozzle
Floor nozzle