9. EG Declaration of Conformity 2006/42 EG (Appendix II A)
Gebuwin B.V. hereby declares, that the design, construction and commercialised execution of the below mentioned winches complies with the essential health
and safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive. The validity of this declaration will cease in case of any modification or a supplement not being agreed
with us previously. Furthermore, validity of this declaration will cease in case that the machine will not be operated correctly and in accordance to the operating
instructions and/or not be inspected regularly.
Serial no.:
Relevant EG Directives:
ATEX EG Directives:
Transposed standards:
ATEX Transposed standards:
Hand driven spur gear winch
TL150 ../.., TL300 ../.., TL600 ../.. TL1000 ../.., TL1500 ../.., TC1000 ../.., TC1500 ../..
Serial numbers for the individual capacities are registered in the CE production book.
EG-machinery directive 2006/42/EG (Appendix II A)
2014/34/EU (ATEX 114)
ISO12100, EN13157, DIN15020,
EN-IEC 60079-10-1, EN60079-10-2, EN1127-1, EN80079-36, EN15198, IEC/TR/60079-32-1
Gebuwin B.V.
Industrieweg 6
7102 DZ, Winterswijk
The Netherlands
R. Siertsema (Operational Director)