• Put on, while at work, protective equipment (a helmet, protective glasses (goggles), earplugs
(ear masks), dust mask, anti-vibration gloves, non-slip working boots, or other means as
specified in the instruction manual of the working machine. There is the risk of hazards by
noise or vibration. It could cause also accident or injury if the fuel is splashed unexpectedly
and gets into eyes during refueling or priming.
• Do not touch the spark plug cap and high voltage cords during operation. There is a risk of
electric shock.
• Don't touch hot muffler or other parts on the engine. There is a risk of burn.
• Always use new gasoline. Mix it homogeneously with specified special oil for 2-cycle
engine. Deteriorated oil or improper mixing with oil could result in troubles on devices or
improper operation.
• When replacing parts, use only our standard gasoline engine genuine parts. Use of any other
parts could result in breakdown of devices, improper operation or decreased life of devices.
• When discarding the engine or oils, it is necessary to comply with the local ordinances to
protect the environment. Consult your dealer for more details.
The important safety notices described in this instruction manual do not cover or state all
conditions which may occur. Though sufficient care is taken for the safety of the engine, the
operator and maintenance people must also take sufficient care for safety.