Manual irrigation:
Watering schedule & manual rain delay:
Duration of manual watering
Move the hollow green circle on the dial to set the desired manual
watering time (0~60min).
Manual irrigation Duration
Tap to start/stop watering
Watering day of the week
Each schedule has a specific colour dotting. The dotting in a specific colour
on the day of the week indicates that there is a corresponding watering
schedule for that day.
Plan A / Plan B / Plan C
The WiFi timer can set 3 different watering schedules per day. Each
watering schedule can be set with a different start time, duration and
watering day (frequency). Press the switch of the watering schedule to
switch it on or off.
Manual rain delay
The rain delay applies to rainy days or other weather conditions that
cause high soil moisture. During the rain delay, the timer interrupts water-
ing. At the end of the rain delay, the timer will run according to the next
watering schedule. The timer can set a rain delay of 24/48/72 hours.