safety tips for usiNg gel
fuel CaNs
• It is very important to place a hand over the lid when opening as pressure can build in the can from alcohol. Never face
the lid toward yourself or anyone else. if there is bowing on the lid be extra careful when opening.
the gel is safe to use however it's the opening that needs the caution.
• Gel fuel should be used within one year of purchase for maximum performance and safety.
• Always burn in the original can.
• The gel fuel should be lit using a long match or barbeque lighter.
• Once the cans have cooled the lids should be replaced to prevent the alcohol from evaporating.
• Do not move the unit or leave unattended while a gel fuel burner is lit.
• Keep gel fuel away from eyes and if accidentally consumed call your local poison control immediately
• If a gel can spills or tips over while lit always use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Other home methods for putting
out the flame may not put out the flame entirely.