This warranty does not apply; (a) to any damage caused by You; (b) if there has been any repair or replacement of adjustable base parts by
an unauthorized person; (c) if the adjustable base has been mishandled (whether in transit or by other means), subjected to physical or
electrical abuse or misuse, or otherwise operated in any manner inconsistent with the opera on and maintenance procedures outlined in
the Owner's Manual and this warranty; (d) to damage to ma resses, fabric, cables, electrical cords or items supplied by dealers (contact the
dealer for warranty informa on on these items); (e) if there has been any modi ca on of the adjustable base without prior wri en consent
by Harmony; or (f) to costs for unnecessary service calls, including costs for in-home service calls solely for the purpose of educa ng You
about the adjustable base or nding a sa sfactory power connec on.
This warranty will be void if either the recommended weight restric on is not followed which is 850 total Ibs. including persons, ma resses,
and bedding materials, for non-manufactured defects, or if any modi ca ons are made to the adjustable base.
This warranty will only apply to the original purchaser and will be void to a subsequent owner.
Any repairs to or replacement to Your adjustable base or its components under the terms of this limited warranty does not extend the
applicable warranty from the Warranty Commencement Date. This me limita on may not apply in some jurisdic ons, including the
Province of Quebec. The decision to repair or to replace defec ve parts under this warranty shall be made, or cause to be made, by
Harmony at its op on and in its sole discre on.
There shall be no liability on the part of Harmony for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequen al damages or for any other damage,
claim, or loss not expressly covered by the terms of this warranty.
This limited warranty does not include reim bursement for inconve nience, removal, installa on, setup me, loss of use, shipping, or any
other costs or expenses. Harmony and its service technicians will not be responsible for moving furniture or any other items not a ached to
the adjustable base in order to perform service on the adjustable base.
It is the sole responsibility of You to provide adequate space and accessibility to the adjustable base. In the event that the technician is
unable to perform service due to lack of accessibility, the service call will be billed to You and the service will have to be rescheduled.
Harmony makes no other warranty whatsoever, express or implied, and all implied warran es of merchantability and tness for a par cular
purpose are disclaimed by Harmony and excluded from this agreement.