Control possibilities
The Free-control universal radio transmitter
has up to two input/transmission channels.
The unused input port can remain uncircuit-
ed. We recommend a connecting line against
unintended touching, e.g. by attaching a
lamp-wire connector or covering the contact
surface with insulating tape. Preselect the de-
sired application by adjusting the DIP switch
position at the universal radio transmitter,
while observing the appropriate pinning dia-
gram. Please note the Operation Instructions
of the Free-control receiver.
Using the Free-control universal radio trans-
mitter, the following Free-control receivers
can be activated:
• Radio receiver (1channel - 2wire)
• Radio receiver (1channel - 3wire)
• Radio receiver (2channel - shutter/two-
circuit switch)
• Radio receiver (pushbutton/timer)
• Radio receiver (phase-fired dimmer for
customary transformators)
• Radio receiver (phase-fired dimmer for
electronic transformators)
• Radio adapter (switching function)
• Radio adapter (dimming function)
• Radio lampholder
Modes of operation:
There are 4 modes of operation available:
switching, inching, dimming, controlling the
shutters. The desired functions can be select-
ed at the universal radio transmitter using
the DIP switch.
Each mode provides the following functions:
Mode A: 2x switching
Mode A: 2x inching
Mode A: 2x dimming
Mode A: 1x shutter
Mixed operation is not possible.