M S-7514 M ainboard
1N/2N M emory Timing
This item controls the SDRAM command rate. Select [1N] makes SDRAM signal
controller to run at 1N (N=clock cycles) rate. Selecting [2N] makes SDRAM
signal controller run at 2N rate.
Power User M ode
Press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. This item will appear after you press "F4"
function key, and press "F4" again to hide this item.
Change NB Drive
This item allows you to enable/ disable Power User mode. The power user mode
can enhance the DRAM performance.
This item will allow you to adjust the ratio of FSB to memory.
Adjusted DRAM Frequency (MHz)
It shows the adjusted DDR Memory frequency. Read-only.
ClockGen Tuner
Press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu.
CPU Clock Drive/ PCI Express Clock Drive
These items are used to select the CPU/ PCI Express clock amplitude.
These items are used to select the CPU/ North Bridge chipset clock skew. They
can help CPU to reach the higher overclocking performance.
Adjust PCI Frequency (MHz)
This field allows you to select the PCI frequency (in MHz).
Auto Disable DRAM /PCI Frequency
W hen set to [Enabled], the system will remove (turn off) clocks from empty DIMM and
PCI slots to minimize the electromagnetic interference (EMI).
CPU Voltage (V)/ CPU GTL REF0 (V) / CPU GTL REF1 (V)/ DRAM Voltage (V)/
REF (V)/ VTT FSB Voltage (V)/ ICH Voltage (V)
These items are used to adjust the voltage of CPU, Memory, FSB and chipset.
Spread Spectrum
W hen the mainboard's clock generator pulses, the extreme values (spikes) of the
pulses create EMI (Electromagnetic Interference). The Spread Spectrum function
reduces the EMI generated by modulating the pulses so that the spikes of the pulses
are reduced to flatter curves. If you do not have any EMI problem, leave the setting at
Disabled for optimal system stability and performance. But if you are plagued by EMI,
set to Enabled for EMI reduction. Remember to disable Spread Spectrum if you are
overclocking because even a slight jitter can introduce a temporary boost in clock
speed which may just cause your overclocked processor to lock up.