Static IP Address Assignment /
Terminal Menu Configuration Settings
Determine IP Information: The Web management card can support a single static IPv4
address (requires setting the IP address, subnet mask and gateway) and/or a single static
IPv6 address. In addition, the Web management card can support a single static IPv4 or an
IPv6 DNS address that is required to be entered.
Configure Terminal Emulation Program: Set your terminal emulation program to use the
COM port with its corresponding USB port.
Select Option 3: IPv4 setting, or Option 4: IPv6 settings. Select Option 1: Method. Select
Option 2: Static.
Assign the address, subnet mask, gateway, etc. Save your settings by selecting "A" (apply).
Choose "y" to restart PowerAlert now. Close your terminal session.
Remove Cable: Remove the cable and proceed to the Test Network Connection section.
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