Single Phase models : appliance must be connected to a power socket always easily accessible
during the use. Before any intervention on the appliance place the switch on the "Stop" (-0-)
position and unplug the power cord from the socket.
The machine is delivered ready for use with the right oil quantity inside of the reducer. Used oil is
from the Long Life type, adapted for accidental contact with food. It will not evaporate during
normal use conditions. Therefore, there is no need to change it or to add more oil. In case of
accidental loss of important oil quantities contact the nearest after-sales service to buy the correct
oil type.
Before using the machine, dismantle the meat mincer. Turn the ring nut (11) counterclockwise,
remove the knife (10), the grid plate (9) and the worm-screw (8), remove the cast iron body (7)
from the reducer cover (6), clean and dry carefully all the parts intended to be in contact with meat.
Before any starting up, ensure that the ring nut (11) is suitabily screwed on in order to maintain
correctly the grid plate but without generating an exagerate force. Never unscrew the ring nut (11)
during use.
Before operate, wash with boiling water and carefully dry all the parts that have come into contact with the food, screw the ring nut and never remove
during the functioning of the meat mincer.
To remove all possible workings residual, use the meat mincer for few minutes with reject meat, then dismantle and wash all the parts that have come
into contact with the food.
To operate, the appliance must be connected to a power point that is always easily accessible during use
When the work is finished, to dismantle the meat chopper, turn the ring nut (11) anticlockwise, remove the knife (10), the plate (9) and the propeller
(8). Remove the cast iron body (7) from the reduction gear cover (6), then wash, carefully dry and if necessary grease all the parts that have come into
contact with the meat. "Reber" electric meat choppers are fitted for operation with plates having holes of diameter from 3 mm to 12 mm. Reber
decline all liability concerning damage or accidents deriving from using plates having holes of diameter greater than 12 mm.
Disconnect the plug from the socket before cleaning or maintenance
Do not use jets of water for cleaning
The parts in contact with food are totally and easily dismantled by the key provided to be cleaned and washed properly, we suggest to do at each use
Once washed carefully dry and grease all the parts in contact with food.
All the parts in contact with food, which are suitable to be dismantled, are insulated from the electric parts
Blades are sharp. Handle them carefully in cleaning, protect properly hands and fingers.
Do not use brushes that can deteriorate the surface of the machine
Use a soft cloth moistened with normal neutral detergent to avoid deteriorate the surface of the cover of the motor
Do not wash the electric motor and do not put in water or liquids to clean
Contact immediately the supplier in case of mal functioning or damaged parts
Notice d'utilisation et Entretien - Instructions d'origine
Lire attentivement la notice avant l'utilisation et garder la notice
Le but du manuel d'utilisation est de fournir à l'utilisateur toutes les informations possibles, instructions d'utilisation et d'entretien qui
permettent de garder le produit performant et efficient dans le temps.
Ce manuel doit être donné à celui qui utilise et entretient le produit
Le manuel doit être gardé en bon état et mis dans un endroit aisément accessible pour une consultation rapide.
Le constructeur suit une politique de recherche et d'amélioration des produits par rapport aux normes de sécurité, technique, écologique et
commerciale. Chaque différence des produits par rapport à cette notice est une conséquence de ce processus.
V. 07.2017
Reber srl–Via Valbrina 11– 42045 Luzzara (RE) Italia––E.mail:
Caractéristiques, photos et dessins indicatifs, ils peuvent être changés par le constructeur sans préavis