A Note About the Deflector
A properly sized deflector is required when the flood sensor is activated on either new or existing valve
installations of Series 009 reduced pressure zone assemblies, sizes ½" to 2". The deflector helps seat
the flood sensor against the backflow valve and direct discharge from the valve. Each deflector is
embossed with a positioning indicator to assist installation.
½" – ¾"
New valve installation
The sensor connection kit includes four (4) deflectors marked by size. Select the size designed to fit
the backflow relief valve of the installation.
Remove the flood sensor from the valve then follow procedures in the next two sections to install the
deflector with the flood sensor and configure and mount the activation module.
Existing valve installation
The following procedures include the deflector with installation of the sensor connection kit.
Install the Flood Sensor
For Series 009 assemblies, sizes ½" to 2", attach both the deflector and the flood sensor to the
backflow relief valve. For sizes ½" to ¾", the deflector fits inside the flood sensor. For sizes 1" to
2", the deflector fits inside the relief valve.
The deflector must be installed for the flood sensor on Series 009, sizes ½" to 2", to function properly.
Series 009, sizes ½" – ¾"
1. Align the grooves of the deflector with internal ribs of the
sensor to insert the deflector inside the flood sensor.
2. Position the flood sensor on the relief valve.
1¼" – 1½"