2.5. Teach procedure
2.5.1. External Teach (Teach-by-wire)
NB! This function works in Single point Mode, and only for SP1 in SSC1.
The Teach by wire function must be selected first using IO-link master:
a) Select "Teach by wire" here: Sensor Specific->Selection of local/remote adjustment.
(Parameter 68 (0x44), SubIndex 0 =2).
b) Select "Single point mode" here: Switching signal channel1->SSC1 Configuration.Mode.
(Parameter 61 (0x3D), SubIndex 2=1).
c) Select "Teach In" here: Output->Channel 2 Setup.Stage Mode.
(Parameter 65 (0x41), SubIndex 1=6).
Teach-by-wire procedure.
1) Place target in front of sensor.
2) Connect Teach wire input (Pin 2 white wire) to V+ (Pin 1 brown wire).
Yellow led start to flash with 1Hz (10% on), indicating that Teach is running.
3) After 3-6 sec Teach window is open. Here flash pattern changes to 90% on. Release white wire.
4) If Teach is done successfully, yellow led makes 4 flash (2Hz, 50%).
If Teach fails or is suspended, sensor will exit Teach mode.
NB: If white wire is released outside the Teach window, teach is suspended.
If white wire is not released within 12 sec., teach is suspended (timeout indicated by a number of fast yellow
flash (5Hz, 50%)).
2.5.2. Teach from IO-Link Master
1. Select IO-Link Teach, from IO-Link Master:
Sensor Specific -> Selection of local/remote adjustment = Disable.
(Parameter 68 (0x44), SubIndex 0 =0).
2. Select SSC1 or SSC2 configuration mode:
SSC1: From menu: Switching signal channel1->SSC1 Configuration.Mode->[Single point / Window mode
/ Two Point].
(Parameter 61 (0x3D), SubIndex 2= [Single point=1 / Window mode=2 / Two Point=3])
SSC2: From menu: Switching signal channel1->SSC2 Configuration.Mode->[Single point / Window mode
/ Two Point].
(Parameter 63 (0x3F), SubIndex 2= [Single point=1 / Window mode=2 / Two Point=3])
3. Select Switching signal channel to be taught:
From menu Teach Select-> [actual teach type], Teach-in select -> [Switching signal channel 1 / Switching
signal channel 2 / All SCC].
(Parameter 58 (0x3A), SubIndex 0 =[SSC1=0, SSC2=1, ALL SCC=2]) Single point mode procedure
1) Single value teach command sequence:
Single value teach command sequence
(Buttons are found in menu: Teach-in->Teach in single value)
1. Press Teach SP1. (Parameter 2, SubIndex 0 = 65 (0x41)).
2. Optional press Teach Apply (Parameter 2, SubIndex 0 = 64 (0x40)).
Rev.01 - 08.2022 | LD30 IO-Link manual ENG | © 2022 | CARLO GAVAZZI Industri
Sensing distance