Cleaning powder-coated surfaces
In the same way as for anodized elements, cleaning must be carried out whilst cold (maximum of 25 °C surface temperature). In this
case also, use only pH-neutral material. Solvent-based cleaners attack the surface of the powder coating and, like scouring or abra-
sive cleaners, should not be used. To remove stubborn fat and greasy dirt we recommend aroma-free methylated spirits. This must
only be applied for a short time and then rinsed off with clean water. In addition, we recommend treatment with car wax to leave a
water-repellent film. Check on a non-exposed area whether the material used has an adverse effect on the shine.
Wood surfaces on wood/aluminium elements
For the cleaning of internal wood surfaces it is best to use mild detergent such as dilute detergent and soap suds. Since the internal
wood surfaces are not subject to wear and weathering by rain and sun light, painting is not required. Avoid abrasive, corrosive and
solvent-based cleaners. Use only soft cloths to avoid scratching the paint surface. Window cleaners contain small traces of alcohol
and ammonium chloride. These materials are very suitable for cleaning the glass as well as the wood-frame sections. After cleaning,
dry the wood profiles with a dry, soft cloth, because extended exposure to alcohol can soften the paint surface.
SUNFLEX Aluminiumsysteme GmbH
Im Ruttenberge 12
D-57482 Wenden-Gerlingen
Tel.: +49 (0) 2762 / 9253-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2762 / 9253-280