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Filter Section - Access Virus TI Série Guide De Démarrage Rapide


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Noise Volume
Controls the volume of the Noise Generator, which can be useful for adding hiss and making certain types of
sound FX.

Filter Section

We use filters in synthesizers for changing and shaping the timbre of a sound by removing certain frequen-
cies. The Virus TI has two filters, which can be run in series or parallel. 'Series' means that the output of
Filter 1 goes straight into Filter 2, and it is the output of Filter 2 that you hear. 'Parallel' means the oscillator
signal is divided into two channels, one of which goes into Filter 1, the other into Filter 2. In this case, you
hear a mixture of the outputs of both filters.
This is where the fun with synths really begins! Turn the knob all the way up to 127 and hold a note down on
your keyboard. Now, slowly sweep the knob down to 0 and back again - you should notice the buzzy sound
of the "Tutorial 2" patch get increasingly dull, until it disappears altogether, and then open back up to full
buzziness as you return to 127. You have just heard a 'lowpass' filter in action.
The CUTOFF knob is controlling the 'cutoff' frequency of Filter 1, which determines from what pitch the filter
starts to have an effect.
Tip: If you want the cutoff to change as you play up and down the keyboard, you will need to adjust the Key
Follow parameter, available either in the Filter Edit menu, or by using SHIFT+ENV AMOUNT.
Set this knob at around 12 o' clock, and then sweep the Cutoff knob in exactly the same way as before.
Increasing the resonance of the filter amplifies frequencies around the cutoff frequency, making it 'speak' as
you throw the cutoff knob around. A little caution is advised when applying high values of resonance, as the
resulting sound can damage your speakers if you are not careful, especially as you sweep the cutoff around
the lower values!
Env Amount (Filter 1 and 2 Envelope Amount)
Use the ENV AMOUNT knob to control by how much Cutoff 1 and 2 are affected by the Filter Envelope. The
effectiveness of this parameter is highly dependent on the current position of Cutoff 1 and 2 - in the Tuto-
rial 2 patch, please turn CUTOFF all the way down to 0 and ENV AMOUNT to 127. Now play some keys,
and listen to how the filter now closes automatically.
Filter Balance
Use the FILTER BALANCE knob to change the way the signal flows through the filters. In the centre (default)
position, the filters are arranged in serial, so you will only hear the combined effect of both. Turn FILTER BAL-
ANCE fully left to hear only the output of Filter 1, and fully right to hear only the output of Filter 2.



Produits Connexes pour Access Virus TI Série