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All manuals and user guides at MTMC 60 P - 0613 TMC 60 P Manuale di Servizio Service Manual Manuel d’Utilisation TWIN DISC S.r.l. - Via S. Cristoforo, 131 - 40017 S.M. DECIMA (Bo) - ITALIA Tel. 0039.051/6819711 - Fax 0039.051/6824234/6825814 Email: -
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INFORMAZIONI GENERALI - L’invertitore TMC 60 P è costruito con ingranaggi in acciaio legato, cementati e temprati; il corpo frizione è in bronzo a doppio cono ed il dispositivo di innesto è a comando meccanico servoassistito. - L’invertitore è accoppiabile unicamente a motori che, visti lato volano, ruotano in senso antiorario.
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All manuals and user guides at L’invertitore viene fornito senza olio. Prima della messa in moto effettuare il riempimento sino al livello massi- mo indicato sull’asta. Usare olio ATF. Prima di avviare il motore assicurarsi che l’invertitore sia in folle. Innestare la marcia con il motore non al minimo può...
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All manuals and user guides at - Montaggio gruppo albero rinvio: posizionato I’anello di fermo rif. 35 e il distanziale rif. 4, montare gli anelli esterni dei due cuscinetti rif. 55 sull’ingranaggio rif. 27. Montare I’anello interno del cuscinetto sull’albero rif. 11 portandolo a battuta sullo spallamento.
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GENERAL INFORMATION - TMC 60 P marine transmission is built with alloy steel, casehardened and hardened gears; the clutch-unit is a bronze double cone and the coupling device is mechanically servo controlled. - The marine transmission unit may be coupled only to engines which turn anti-clockwise (as seen from the flywheel side).
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All manuals and user guides at The gearbox is supplied without oil. Before the first start-up it must be filled up to the maximum level marked on the dipstick. Use ATF oil. Before to start the engine make sure that the gearbox is in neutral position. The gearbox should only be shifted with the engine at idle speed so as to avoid that the gearbox or the coupling may be demaged.
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All manuals and user guides at of the lock washer. - Input shaft unit assembly: the gears are enbloc with the shaft; therefore it is necessary only to assemble the cones of bearings ref. 56. - Shafts assembly on cover: place cover ref. 3 on a horizontal surface with the bearing seat upward and an opening which allows the protuding part of shaft ref.
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GENERALITES - L’inverseur TMC 60 P est construit avec des engrenages en alliage d’acier trempé et cémenté; le corps de l’embraya- ge est en bronze, en forme de double cône, et le dispositif d’enclenchement est à servo commande mécanique.
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All manuals and user guides at Il est nécessaire de vérifier la surface conique des engrenages rep. 26 et 25: ces surfaces ne doivent pas avoir de traces de brûlure, de serrage et de trace du matériau du cône d’embrayage. Dans le cas contraire, les engrenages doivent être changés.
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All manuals and user guides at REMONTAGE DE L’INVERSEUR Les opérations de montage, de démontage de même que les interventions sur l’inverseur doivent être éffec- tuées par du personnel spécialisé. - Montage du groupe de l’arbre de sortie: monter dans l’ordre et en partant de l’extrémité opposée à celle de la bride de sortie: l’entretoise rep.
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La puissance du moteur en marche-arriere est limite comme suit: Potenza massima motore - Max engine power - Puissance maxi moteur: 44 Kw TMC 60 P rapp. 1,55: 80% de la puissance du moteur en rapport 2,00 La potenza in retromarcia è limitata come segue: rapp.
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All manuals and user guides at RICAMBI Per ordinare i ricambi specificare il tipo di invertitore, il numero di serie, il rapporto, il numero di riferimento del disegno, la quantità. SPARE PARTS When ordering spare parts specify the gearbox model, the serial number, ratio, reference number indicated on the drawing and desired quantity.
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at IMPIANTO DI RAFFREDDAMENTO COOLING SYSTEM SYSTEME DE REFROIDISSEMENT Rif. Denominazione Quantità Codice Ref. Denomination Quantity Code Raccordo Ø 20 - Hose fitting Ø 20 2048020 Raccordo Ø 16 - Hose fitting Ø 16 2048019 Raccordo Ø...
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All manuals and user guides at TWIN DISC S.r.l. Via S. Cristoforo, 131 - 40017 S.M. DECIMA (Bo) - ITALIA Tel. 0039.051/6819711 - Fax 0039.051/6824234/6825814 Email: -