MS-7589 Manboard
CPU Specficatons
Press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. Ths submenu shows the nformaton of nstalled
CPU Technology Support
Press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. In ths sub-menu, t shows the nstalled CPU
technologes. Read only.
CPU Feature
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Intel EIST
The Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology allows you to set the performance level
of the mcroprocessor whether the computer s runnng on battery or AC power. Ths
field wll appear after you nstalled the CPU whch supports speedstep technology.
C-state s a power management state that sgnficantly reduces the power of the
processor durng dle. Ths field wll appear after you nstalled the CPU whch
supports c-state technology.
C1E Support
To enable ths tem to read the CPU power consumpton whle dle. Not all processors
support Enhanced Halt state (C1E).
Overspeed Protecton
Overspeed Protecton functon can montor the current CPU draws as well as ts
power consumpton. If t exceeds a certan level, the processor automatcally reduces
ts clock speed. If you want to overclock your CPU, set t to [Dsabled].
Hyper-Threadng Functon
The processor uses Hyper-Threadng technology to ncrease transacton rates and
reduces end-user response tmes. The technology treats the two cores nsde the
processor as two logcal processors that can execute nstructons smultaneously. In
ths way, the system performance s hghly mproved. If you dsable the functon, the
processor wll use only one core to execute the nstructons. Please dsable ths tem
f your operatng system doesn't support HT Functon, or unrelablty and nstablty
may occur.
Enablng the functonalty of Hyper-Threadng Technology for your computer system
requres ALL of the followng platform Components:
CPU: An Intel
Chpset: An Intel
BIOS: A BIOS that supports HT Technology and has t enabled;
OS: An operatng system that supports HT Technology.
For more nformaton on Hyper-threadng Technology, go to:
Execute Bt Support
Intel's Execute Dsable Bt functonalty can prevent certan classes of malcous
Processor wth HT Technology;
Chpset that supports HT Technology;