MS-7589 Manboard
CPU & Cooler Installaton
When you are nstallng the CPU, make sure the CPU has a cooler attached on the top
to prevent overheatng. Meanwhle, do not forget to apply some thermal paste on CPU
before nstallng the heat snk/cooler fan for better heat dsperson.
Follow the steps below to nstall the CPU & cooler correctly. Wrong nstallaton wll
cause the damage of your CPU & manboard.
Open the load level.
The CPU socket has a plastc cap on
t to protect the contact from damage.
Before you nstall CPU, always cover
t to protect the socket pn. Romove
the cap (as the arrow shows).
Lft the load lever up to fully open
After confirmng the CPU drecton for
correct matng, put down the CPU n
the socket housng frame. Be sure to
grasp on the edge of the CPU base.
Note that the algnment keys are
Algnment Key