Object and Gap Monitoring
This function is designed to monitor that the length of an objects and the gap between the following object
on a conveyor belt are within certain limits. The stand alone sensor gives a signal if the size of the object is
too small, the objects overlap each other or if the gap between two objects are too small for the following
processes. Conditions
Only a single sensor is being used for this function. Object and Gap Monitoring – Setup procedure
Sensor preparation
1) Mount the sensor at the conveyor at the required position.
2) Connect the sensor to an SCTL55 or IO-Link master.
3) Upload the IODD file in the SCTL55 or IO-Link Master.
4) Switch on the power to the sensor.
5) Restore the sensor to factory settings using the SCTL55 or IO-Link master.
6) Align the sensor so the light beam is aimed at the target (reflector) and will be blocked by moving
objects to be detected.
7) Adjust the sensitivity on the sensor to get a reliable detection on the target (reflector).
(The yellow LED must be OFF steady, and the green LED are ON indicating Stable OFF and IO-Link
IO-Link parameter settings (see Data Range options in § 7.2.10)
8) Select "Object and Gap monitoring" in the SCTL55 or IO-Link master; Menu "Parameter" -> "Application
9) Object time:
a) Enter the minimum time the target will be present in the menu "Object and Gap monitor" -> "Object
minimum time" between 10 ... 60 000 ms (default value is 500) ms, e.g. 130 ms.
As a help the Object time can be read from the "Object and Gap monitor" -> "Object time".
b) Enter the maximum time the target will be present in the menu "Object and Gap monitor" ->
"Object maximum time" between 10 ... 60 000 ms (default value is 500) ms, e.g. 150 ms.
As a help the Object time can be read from the "Object and Gap monitor" -> "Object time".
10) Gap time:
a) Enter the minimum time the gap will be present in the menu "Object and Gap monitor" -> "Gap
minimum time" between 10 ... 60 000 ms (default value is 500) ms, e.g. 110 ms.
As a help the gap time can be read from the "Object and Gap monitor" -> "Gap time".
Rev.01 - 08.2022 | MAN PD30ETP/R IO-Link ENG | © 2022 | CARLO GAVAZZI Industri
Alignment of Sensor