Divider function
This function allows e.g. the user to set up a number of counts to be performed before changing the output.
By default, this value is set to 1 and each activation causes the output to change. When the value is set to
a higher value e.g. 10 then the sensor will give output every 10th detection, the sensor will count at the
trailing edge of the object. In the application example below the sensor shall change the output state after 8
products have been detected. The sensor output will indicate a "box full" and a new box is moved in front
of the primary conveyor. The counter can be reset manually via the SO2, pre-configured as an external
reset button. Conditions
Only a single sensor is being used for this function. Divider function – Setup procedure
Sensor preparation
1) Mount the sensors at the conveyor so the object when detected at the trailing edge will drop into the
2) Connect the sensor to an SCTL55 or IO-Link master.
3) Upload the IODD file in the SCTL55 or IO-Link Master.
4) Switch on the power to the sensor.
5) Restore the sensor to factory settings using the SCTL55 or IO-Link master.
6) Align the sensor so the light beam will detect the target.
7) Adjust the sensitivity on the sensor to get a reliable detection on the target.
(The yellow LED must light steady, and the green LED are ON indicating Stable ON and IO-Link Mode)
IO-Link parameter settings (see Data Range options in §
8) Select "Divider" in the SCTL55 or IO-Link master; Menu "Parameter" -> "Application Functions"
9) Enter the Counter value in the menu "Divider and Counter Setup" -> "Counter Limit" between 1 ... 65 535
(default value is 1)
10) If a preset value is needed this can be set in the menu "Divider and Counter" -> "Preset Counter value"
between 0 ... 65 535 (default value is 0)
Alignment of Sensor
Rev.01 - 08.2022 | MAN PD30ETP/R IO-Link ENG | © 2022 | CARLO GAVAZZI Industri