One shot trailing edge
Similar in function to the one shot leading edge mode, but in this mode the switching output is changed on
the trailing edge of the activation as shown in the figure below. This function is not retriggerable.
Presence of target
N.O. Timer scale
The parameter defines if the delay specified in the Timer delay should be in milliseconds, seconds or minutes Timer Value
The parameter defines the actual duration of the delay. The delay can be set to any integer value between
1 and 32 767.
2.4.6. Output Inverter
This function allows the user to invert the operation of the switching output between Normally Open and
Normally Closed.
The recommended function is found in the parameters under 64 (0x40) sub index 8 (0x08) for SO1 and 65
(0x41) sub index 8 (0x08) for SO2. It has no negative influence on the Logic functions or the timer functions of
the sensor as it is added after those functions.
The Switching logic function found under 61 (0x3D) sub index 1 (0x01) for SSC1 and 63 (0x3F) sub index
1 (0x01) for SSC2 are not recommended for use as they will have a negative influence on the logic or timer
functions. Using this function will turn an ON delay into an Off delay if it is added for the SSC1 and SSC2. It
is only for the SO1 and SO2.
2.4.7. Output stage mode
In this function block the user can select if the switching outputs should operate as:
Disabled, NPN, PNP or Push-Pull configuration.
Disabled, NPN, PNP, Push-Pull , External input (Active high/Pull-down), External input
(Active low/pull up) or External Teach input.
Rev.01 - 08.2022 | MAN PD30ETP/R IO-Link ENG | © 2022 | CARLO GAVAZZI Industri
Example with normally open output