7.7 Removing the Inner Glass of The
Oven Door
Inner glass of the product's front door may
be removed for cleaning.
1. Open the oven door.
2. Pull the plastic component, attached on
the upper section of the front door, to-
wards yourself by simultaneously push-
ing on the pressure points on both sides
of the component and remove it.
Third inner
glass slot-
3. As shown in the figure, gently lift the in-
nermost glass towards "A" and then, re-
move it by pulling towards "B".
4. Repeat the same process for removing
the second and third glasses.
The first step of regrouping the door is to
replace the second and third glasses (2, 3).
As shown in the figure, place the bevelled
edge of the glass to meet the bevelled edge
of the plastic slot.
The attachment order of the second and
third inner glasses is not important, as they
are interchangeable.
While attaching the innermost glass (1),
pay attention to place the printed side of
the glass on the second inner glass. It is
crucial to place the lower corners of all in-
ner glasses to meet the lower plastic slots
(5). Push the plastic component towards
Second in-
ner glass
the frame until a "click" sound is heard.
Outer glass
7.8 Cleaning the Oven Lamp
In the event that the glass door of the oven
lamp in the cooking area becomes dirty;
clean using dishwashing detergent, warm
water and a soft cloth or sponge and dry
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After cleaning, all glasses must be