2-Ch 18Ch Function
15 SMD strobes program
Laser color
(Ch. 17 must be active for
17 Laser strobe
18 Laser rotation
For manual operation of LEDs and lasers using DMX control, set Channel 1 to 000 015.
Swarm Wash FX ILS User Manual Rev. 6
000 009 No function
010 019 SMD strobes program 1, slow to fast
020 029 SMD strobes program 2, slow to fast
030 039 SMD strobes program 3, slow to fast
040 049 SMD strobes program 4, slow to fast
050 059 SMD strobes program 5, slow to fast
060 069 SMD strobes program 6, slow to fast
070 079 SMD strobes program 7, slow to fast
080 089 SMD strobes program 8, slow to fast
090 099 SMD strobes program 9, slow to fast
100 109 SMD strobes program 10, slow to fast
110 119 SMD strobes program 11, slow to fast
120 200 Full on
201 255 Sound-active SMD strobe
000 009 No function
010 049 Red
050 089 Green
090 129 Red and green alternating strobe
130 169 Red and strobing green
170 209 Green and strobing red
210 255 Red and green
000 004 No function
005 254 Laser strobe, fast to slow
Sound-active laser strobe
000 004 Stop
005 127 Counterclockwise rotation, slow to fast
128 133 Stop
134 255 Clockwise rotation, slow to fast
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