Future backups will happen automatically at the time you specified
in your script. All you have to do is leave your computer and Maxtor
OneTouch drive on. You don't even have to open Retrospect!
Making changes to your backup script
If you decide you want to change your automated backup, follow
these steps:
To change the time of your backup :
1. Open Retrospect.
2. Click Automate on the left side of the screen.
The Automate Overview window will appear.
3. Click Manage Scripts .
The Scripts window will appear.
4. Select your script. It will be labelled EasyScript Backup.
5. Click Edit.
The EasyScript Backup window will appear, showing the details
of your backup script.
Note: In this window you can modify many aspects of your
backup, including which drives you will back up and the backup
destination. For more information, see the Retrospect Express
manual that came with your Maxtor drive.
6. Make any changes to your script needed.
7. Close the EasyScript Backup window.
A message will appear asking: 'Save changes to script?'
8. Click Save .
Your modified script has been saved and will run at the next
scheduled time.
9. Exit Retrospect by going to the File menu and choosing Exit .
When you exit Retrospect, a window may appear telling you your
script is 'next for automatic execution.'
If you get the message that 'the configuration isn't ready,'
click Don't Quit, make sure that your OneTouch drive is
connected and turned on and quit Retrospect again. If this
still doesn't work, try creating a new EasyScript, following
the steps outlined in the previous section.
10. Click Quit.
Your modified script has been saved and will run at the next
scheduled time as long as your computer is on and your Maxtor
OneTouch drive is connected and turned on.
Backing up your complete system
You cannot run Retrospect Express under OS 9 to create
system backups of OS X. You must run Retrospect Express
under OS X to back up an OS X system.
Backing Up Your System