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Hella marine NAVILED 360 PRO 2LT 980 910 Serie Manuel D'instructions page 2


Correct Positioning
NaviLED360 PRO All Round Lamps must be installed
as follows:
When the lamp operates, the light should not be obstructed
or concealed by masts, topmasts or structures, i.e. Installed
on the highest point of a vessel so the light arc is unbroken.
All Round lamps must be positioned as close as practicable
to the fore and aft centre line of a vessel. (see Fig.1)
The All Round white lamp on a power driven Vessel less
than 12m in length shall be installed at least one metre
higher than the sidelights.
The lamp must be installed so that the horizontal surface
of the base is parallel to the vessel's water line. (See Fig.2)
Common applications for All Round White, Red and Green signal lamps.
WHITE -Vessels of less than 50m at anchor
must exhibit a white all-round light
WHITE - Vessels of less than 7m and max. 7 knots
must exhibit a white all-round light
RED/RED/WHITE - Vessels aground
must exhibit the white light for a vessel at anchor and two
all round red lights in a vertical line where they can best
be seen.
RED/RED - Vessels not under command (NUC)
must exhibit two all round red lights in a vertical line where
they can best be seen.
RED/WHITE/RED - Vessels restricted in their ability to
manoeuvre (RAM)
must exhibit three all round lights in a vertical line where
they can best be seen, the highest and lowest being red
and the middle white.
RED/RED/RED - Vessels constrained by their
may, in addition to the port, starboard, and stern and
"Not under command" means a vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to manoeuvre as
required by the collision prevention rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.
"Restricted in their ability to manoeuvre" means a vessel which from the nature of her work is restricted in her
ability to manoeuvre as required by the collision prevention rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of
another vessel.
This shall include but not be limited to a vessel engaged in:
- laying, servicing or picking up a navigation mark, submarine cable or pipeline;
- dredging, surveying or underwater operations;
- replenishment or transferring persons, provisions or cargo while underway;
- mine clearance operations;
- a towing operation that severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their course.
"Constrained by her draught" means a power-driven vessel which, because of her draught in relation to the
available depth and width of navigable water, is severely restricted in her ability to deviate from the course she is
Fig. 1 On the fore and aft centre line.
Fig. 2
Installed with base parallel to vessel's
water line.
Vessel's water Line
masthead lights required, exhibit three all round red
lights in a vertical line.
GREEN/WHITE - Vessels engaged in trawling
A vessel trawling, by which is meant the dragging through
the water of a dredge net or other apparatus, must exhibit
two all round lights in a vertical line, the upper being
green and the lower white.
RED/WHITE - Vessels engaged in fishing, other than
must exhibit two all round lights in a vertical line, the
upper being red and the lower white.
WHITE/RED - Pilot vessels
A vessel engaged in pilotage duties must exhibit at or
near the masthead, two allround lights in a vertical line,
the upper being white and the lower red.
RED/WHITE/RED - Vessel engaged in diving
must exhibit three all-round lights in a vertical line where
they can best be seen.
The highest and lowest being red and the middle white.
To ensure long term safety, this NaviLED
360 lamp is equipped with a timing circuit.
Once the lamp has operated for a total time of 10,000 hours, the lamp activates 'Service Mode'.
Service Mode is indicated by the lamp flashing at a rate of 60 flashes per minute for 15 seconds as
soon as the lamp is switched on. This will occur for 15 seconds every time the lamp is switched on
until the unit has operated for another 2000 hours.
After 2000 hours the Service Mode flash rate doubles to 120 flashes per minute for 15 seconds as
soon as the lamp is switched on.
To ensure the lamp meets the light output criteria of its certification, Hella marine recommends the
lamp be replaced as soon as it enters this 2000 hours Service Mode stage.
By normal recreational boating standards, even with regular night sailing, 'Service Mode' will hardly
ever be reached.
Beschreibung der NaviLED
Um Ihre langjährige Sicherheit auf See zu gewährleisten, wird jede NaviLED
Zeitschaltung ausgestattet.
Wenn die Lampe für eine Gesamtzeit von 10.000 Stunden betrieben wurde, aktiviert die Lampe ihren
Ein 15 Sekunden langes Blinken (60/min) beim Einschalten der Laterne signalisiert dem Bootsführer,
daß die Laterne auf Service-Modus geschaltet hat. Nach der Signalisierung des Service-Modus
schaltet die Laterne zurück auf Dauerlicht. Nach weiteren 2.000 Betriebsstunden im Service-
Modus verdoppelt sich die Blinkfrequenz der Laterne auf 120 Blinksignale pro Minute.
Um sicher zu gehen, daß die Navigationsbeleuchtung auch weiterhin die erforderlichen Tragweiten
erreicht, wird dem Bootsführer empfohlen, spätestens jetzt das komplette Lichtmodul der Laterne
zu ersetzen.
Der Service-Modus sollte erst nach mehreren zehntausend Betriebsstunden auftreten und wird
bei Sportbooten, selbst bei regelmäßigem Nachtsegeln, mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit nie erreicht
Description du système de minutage des feux de navigation NaviLED
Pour satisfaire aux exigences de la sécurité en mer sur le long terme, chaque feu de navigation
360 est équipé d'un minuteur.
Lorsque la durée d'utilisation du feu atteint 10 000 heures, celui-ci passera en «Service Mode»
(mode entretien).
Lorsque le feu passe en «Service Mode», celui-ci scintille à l'allumage pendant 15 secondes à
raison de 60 flashes / minute. Cet avertissement initial de 15 secondes se reproduira à chaque
allumage et ce pendant les prochaines 2000 heures d'utilisation.
Une fois cette période de 2000 heures écoulée, la fréquence de scintillement doublera pour
atteindre 120 flashes / minute pendant les 15 secondes qui succèdent à l'allumage.
Pour garantir que l'intensité lumineuse du feu de navigation soit conforme à sa certification, Hella
marine recommande que celui-ci soit remplacé dès lors qu'il entre dans la phase de «Service
Mode» des 2000 heures.
A noter que pour les navires de plaisance, ce stade ne sera probablement jamais atteint, même
lorsque de nombreuses navigation de nuit sont effectuées.
360 Integrated Timer
360 Zeitschaltung
360 mit einer

