Caring for Film
Keep fi lm free of dust. If necessary, remove dust from the fi lm with a blower before scanning. Dust on
the fi lm could damage the media or affect the quality of the scanned image (
Inserting Film in the SA-21
• Release the fi lm when the feed mechanism activates. Do not pull or push the fi lm or otherwise inter-
fere with the feed mechanism.
• For information on what to do if fi lm jams in the adapter, see "Film Feed Errors (SA-21)" (
The SA-21 Lock Mechanism
The SA-21 is equipped with a lock mechanism that prevents the adapter from being removed while fi lm
is in place. Before removing the SA-21 from the scanner, be sure to eject the fi lm using the eject button
in the Nikon Scan scan window (
could interfere with the connection between the adapter and the scanner. If an attempt has been made
to remove the SA-21 without ejecting the fi lm, push the adapter back into the scanner to re-establish the
connection. Attempting to remove the adapter by force could damage the adapter or scanner.
Film That Can Not Be Used
Film can not be scanned in the SA-21 if:
• It is less than two or more than six frames long
• It has excessive curl
• Perforations are torn or missing
• Tape is applied to either end
The MA-21 can be used to scan slides with mounts 1.0–3.2 mm thick and 49–50.8 mm wide. Other
slides can not be scanned.
"Preview/Thumbnail When Film Is Inserted"
If Thumbnail when fi lm is inserted (SA-21 only) or Preview when fi lm is inserted is selected in the
"Preferences" dialog (
"Film Base"/"Emulsion Surface"
When fi lm is examined under bright light, the image on the emulsion surface will be in slight relief, with
bumps and hollows where the image has been developed. The opposite surface (the fi lm base) will be
refl ective and smooth. Insert fi lm base up.
All manuals and user guides at
38). Attempting to remove the SA-21 without fi rst ejecting the fi lm
41), choose a fi lm type and color model (
• The ends are cut on an angle or torn
• The ends are folded
• The end perforations cut or torn
• There are holes between perforations
31) before inserting fi lm.