4.5 Personal Fall Arrest System:
A PFAS is an assembly of components and subsystems used to arrest a person during a fall event. A
PFAS is typically composed of an anchorage and a FBH, with an energy absorbing connecting device,
i.e., an SAL, an SRL, or a Fall Arrester Connecting Subsystem (FACSS), connected to the dorsal D-ring
of the FBH. PFAS components used in conjunction with this SRL should comply with ANSI Z359
requirements and applicable OSHA regulations.
4.6 Average Arrest Force and Arrest Distance:
Table 1B and 1C in Appendix A provide test data on typical performance attributes of the three
principal parameters: Arrest Distance, Average Arrest Force, and Maximum Arrest Force, listed by
model number and class. Testing is conducted under various environmental conditions, at ambient
temperature, hot, cold, and wet conditions. In manufacturer's tests, worst case performance attributes
of the SRL, connected at maxmimum below dorsal D-ring tie-off by user weight in non-Leading Edge
applications are:
5' Below D-Ring, Non-Leading Edge
Longest Arrest Distance
Largest Average Arrest Force
Largest Maximum Arrest Force
3' Below D-Ring, Non-Leading Edge
Longest Arrest Distance
Largest Average Arrest Force
Largest Maximum Arrest Force
The Competent Person may find this data useful with planning anchorage location and calculating fall
arrest loads and distances from the walking/working level to the nearest obstruction or lower level. See
Section 5.
NOTE: Arrest distance is one part of the Minimum Required Fall Clearance (MRFC). The MRFC is
determined by consideration of multiple factors in fall protection. Attachment below the level of the
FBH D-ring will require additional fall clearance. MRFC is discussed in detail in Section 5.
4.7 Personal Fall Arrest System Anchorage Strength:
An anchorage selected for PFAS application must have the strength to sustain a static load applied in
the direction permitted by the PFAS of at least:
a. Two times the maximum arrest force permitted when certification exists, or
b. 5,000 lbs. (22.2 kN) in the absence of certification.
Select an anchorage location carefully. Consider structural strength, obstructions in the fall path, and
swing fall hazards. In certain situations, the Qualified Person can determine that a given structure is
able to withstand the applied MAF of the PFAS with a safety factor of at least two, as required by OSHA.
5.0 Installation and Use
Do not alter or intentionally misuse this equipment. Consult FallTech when using this
equipment in combination with components or subsystems other than those described in this
manual. All components or subsystems used with the SRD discussed in this manual must be in
Do not use rebar hooks, large carabiners or large snap hooks to connect to the FBH dorsal
D-rings or to any small diameter non-compatible anchor point as this may cause a roll-out
compliance with ANSI Z359, CSA Z259, and/or OSHA.
condition and/or unintentional disengagement.
Avoid sharp and/or abrasive surfaces and edges.
130 to 310 lbs.
(59 to 141 kg)
81" (2.1 m)
933 lbs (4.2 kN)
1,235 lbs (5.5 kN)
to 420 lbs.
(141 to 191 kg)
85" (2.2 m)
884 lbs (3.9 kN)
1,375 lbs (6.1 kN)