Instructions for use
Type 4 alloy (as per EN ISO 22674 and EN ISO 9693)
Heraenium Sun is a cobalt chromium basic alloy for fabricating crowns
and bridges for veneering with high expansion veneer-ceramics or
veneer-composites. Heraenium Sun bonds well to veneer-ceramics
and exhibits optimum physical properties as well as a wide range of
indications. Heraenium Sun is easy and straightforward to process.
1. Waxing up: Coping patterns must be at least 0.4 mm thick – this
ensures that the coping remains at least 0.3 mm after trimming. To
ensure that the ceramic forms to a uniformly thick layer, copings and
pontics must be waxed up to approximate the anatomy of natural
teeth. Avoid waxing up sharp line angles and undercuts. The minimum
wall thickness must also be 0.3 mm for veneering with composites.
Use retention beads (∅ 0.4 mm).
2. Attaching sprues and investing: We recommend using a reservoir
bar sprue system for bridgework. 5 mm long and 3.5 mm diameter
feeder sprues are attached to the palatal or lingual surfaces of the wax
pattern at an angle of 45°. Each bridge unit requires its own feeder
sprue. Large molar copings or solid pontics require two. The feeder
sprues must always be attached to the thickest section of the pattern.
They are connected by a 5 mm diameter horizontal sprue (bar). 4 mm
diameter sprues are used for single connecting sprues. The higher the
volume of the casting, the thicker the sprues should be. Fine grained,