phosphate bonded, graphite free and plaster free investment materials
for crowns and bridgework such as Heravest Onyx or Moldavest exact
are optimised for producing precision fi t castings and perfect cast sur-
3. Casting: The correct amount of Heraenium Sun required for casting
is calculated by multiplying the weight of the wax pattern by the den-
sity of the alloy divided by the density of the wax (approx. 0.93 g/cm
Density of Heraenium Sun: 8.2 g/cm
Formula: Weight of pattern x 8.2 g/cm
÷ 0.93 g/cm
Casting with induction heated vacuum /pressure casting machines:
Induction heated vacuum/pressure casting machines by Kulzer are the
most suitable for melting and casting. During pre-melting, the ingots are
melted until the last ingot has sunk into the molten alloy and the edges
or dull fi lm of the ingot are no longer visible. Melting is then interrupted,
and the casting chamber is allowed to resume normal pressure and
opened. The casting ring (mould) is then inserted and the main melting
process commenced. The casting process is started 5 seconds after
the dull fi lm has disappeared from the surface.
Casting with a motor driven centrifugal casting machine and melt-
ing with a casting torch: Ignite the oxyacetylene gas. Open both
valves fully and adjust the fl ame by reducing the acetylene fl ow until
approximately 3 mm long blue cones appear on the orifi ces of the
casting torch. Pressure settings for the fl ame: Acetylene approx. 0.7