MS-7581 Manboard
CPU Specficatons
Press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. Ths submenu shows the nformaton of nstalled
CPU Technology Support
Press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. In ths sub-menu, t shows the nstalled CPU
technologes. Read only.
CPU Feature
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Intel EIST
The Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology allows you to set the performance level
of the mcroprocessor whether the computer s runnng on battery or AC power. Ths
field wll appear after you nstalled the CPU whch supports speedstep technology.
C-state s a power management state that sgnficantly reduces the power of the
processor durng dle. Ths field wll appear after you nstalled the CPU whch sup-
ports c-state technology.
C1E Support
To enable ths tem to read the CPU power consumpton whle dle. Not all proces-
sors support Enhanced Halt state (C1E).
Hyper-Threadng Functon
The processor uses Hyper-Threadng technology to ncrease transacton rates and
reduces end-user response tmes. The technology treats the two cores nsde the
processor as two logcal processors that can execute nstructons smultaneously. In
ths way, the system performance s hghly mproved. If you dsable the functon, the
processor wll use only one core to execute the nstructons. Please dsable ths tem
f your operatng system doesn't support HT Functon, or unrelablty and nstablty
may occur.
Enablng the functonalty of Hyper-Threadng Technology for your computer system
requres ALL of the followng platform Components:
CPU: An Intel
Processor wth HT Technology;
Chpset: An Intel
Chpset that supports HT Technology;
BIOS: A BIOS that supports HT Technology and has t enabled;
OS: An operatng system that supports HT Technology.
For more nformaton on Hyper-threadng Technology, go to:
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