User's manual
9.2.1 - Installation rules
This radiator was designed to be installed in a home.
The installation shall be made according to standard practice satisfying standards in force
in the installation country (NFC 15100 for France).
Respect minimum distances from the furniture to the location of the radiator (see diagram).
If you have a wall lining applied on foam, you will need to place packing behind the radiator
mounting frame with the same thickness as the foam to maintain a clear space behind the
radiator so that its regulation is not disturbed.
Do not install the radiator:
- In a draft that could disturb its regulation
(for example under a Controlled Mechanical Ventilation system, etc )
- Under a fixed power outlet.
- Within volume 1 in bathrooms.
Radiators used in bathrooms must be installed such that switches and other control
devices of the radiator cannot be touched by anyone in the bath or the shower.