2 - Régulation functioning
an analog regulation
a digital correction regulation
a decision module.
The main analog regulation by control allows to get an average output level which doesn't overflow the instruction level
defined by user.
By analysis Leq level and short Leq level, the digital regulation allows to optimize automaticaly parameters of main
regulation to lead a total use of functioning area established by the norm in effect.
The decision module activate or not the regulator after the analysis of acoustic pressure evolution.
Note : a function allows to select control mode of regulation used:
In normal use, LCD display shows state in which the device is in according to various informations useful to user.
"Intialization mode", LCD display shows the name of device, date and hour.
"Regulation mode", LCD
In Alarm or Default, it shows the activated Alarm type.
"Sensor connect failure !!"
During settings, display shows "SNA 50-2 setting mode".
During data transfer,display shows "PC transmission in progress !!"
The unit can be linked to an external display device featuring two sets of three indicator lights.
The first set looks like a traffic light available in front panel of equipment.
The second set included of three yellow lights shows regulation mode to user.
Leq Level< Instruction threshold - 3dB
Instruction threshold - 3dB < Leq Level < Instruction threshold + 3dB
the instruction threshold is equal to maximum Leq level
Normal : Decision module is ineffective, the regulation is always active, only attack and release times
allow a regulator setting module.
Avanced: Decision module is effective, the regulation is activated depending on acoustic pressure
evolution. If user remains in planned area, the system is completely transparent.
display shows the short leq on the first line and the date and time on the second line.
Leq Level > Instruction threshold + 3dB
allowed by fitter.
1 - Red lights 1 / 2 / 3 show the regulator state:
Led 1 on : Regulation on.
Led 2 on : gain reduction 10 dB.
Led 3 on : gain reduction = 20 dB.
2 - Green light shows that the computed short Leq 1s is
below 3dB instruction threshold.
3 - Yellow light shows that the computed short Leq level 1
seconde is around 3 dB instruction threshold.
4 - Red light shows that the computed short Leq level is
over +3 dB instruction threshold.
SNA 50-2